
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



I’m sure we’ve all met people with an aggressive communication style at some point. This way of conversing, which is difficult to manage for building relationships, is typical for people who tend to explode with anger, they can take out their frustration on others, they are happy to distribute tasks, say what needs to be […]
Training courses in the art of communication and cultural differences gives participants valuable knowledge. We have participated in such training courses many times. Sometimes they lasted for several days. The training itself was great, because it was not only knowledge, but also a time to relax and learn through play. But when we came back […]
Commitment to an organization – whether to the whole organization or to a single team – is less and less the result of mindless acceptance of a set of goals and the feeling that work is the most important goal in life. In fact, this trend is disappearing. Greater awareness and knowledge changes perception. Employees […]
In Ray Dalio’s book, The Principles, such a corporate world is presented clearly and transparently. This is a real example that transparent communication in a company is possible. Unfortunately, many great players from the best universities have failed mentally under the pressure of ubiquitous truth. It is an environment only fit for the few. I […]
If you work with people, this is the tool for you. If you manage people, this is the tool for you. If you’re responsible for ensuring that people communicate well, cooperate well, are able to avoid pointless conflicts and use conversation to solve problems, this is a tool created with you in mind. To sum […]
Totally unprofessional! How can something that is so unimportant, from the perspective of the organization’s goals clearly described in an Excel file, affect results at work? These people should be reprogrammed as soon as possible and set on the right line of thinking. Teach them, but if necessary, fire them. Do you think such an […]
While this may come as a surprise, it turns out that quite a lot of commonly used personality tests diagnose personality not much better than… a horoscope*. So should they be used in professional research? Personality, personality model and test What is personality?  Personality is a set of traits, behaviors, feelings and thoughts that make […]
“The ball is round and there are two goals” – to quote Kazimierz Górski (no, we are not football fans). By this, we mean that teams in an organization compete for resources in order to achieve a common goal more effectively. However, no one needs to be made aware that well-coordinated teams can do more, […]
Communication styles are cataloged in many ways, but the CSI (Communication Styles Inventory) distinguishes six of them, one of which is the expressive style. People with this style can be recognized by the fact that they often and easily take the initiative in conversation, they talk a lot, suggest the topic of conversation, have a […]
Empatyzer is not only a communication trainer that works at the website and e-mail level. It is primarily a tool linked to popular instant messenger Apps such as Slack, Discord, Teams, Outlook or Gmail. Thanks to this, during your normal work routine – conversations with other users – Empatyzer gives you real time tips on […]
Why would anyone intentionally make things worse? For a simple reason: because “there is no time for pleasantries at work.” You need to be quick, efficient and forward. The problem is that humans are not robots. What looks healthy on the surface often rots from the inside out. Problems and conflicts arising from interpersonal relationships […]
Soft power tactics (which promote flexibility and openness) can have a negative impact on those employees who are uncomfortable with uncertainty (Bélanger, Pierro, Kruglanski, 2015) What is the need for cognitive closure?   In the past few years, a sense of uncertainty has accompanied us at almost every step. The pandemic and the war in […]
Some people do not like hierarchy, others cannot imagine life without it. What is it like to meet people with such divergent attitudes? A lot of fun until you’re one of them. Cultural differences are a serious problem. You don’t see them until they appear. And when they appear, they immediately cause tension and sometimes […]
Personality tests are tests that measure traits that have been defined by one personality theory or another. One of the first theories of personality, whose author was Hippocrates, stated that there are four distinct temperaments among people: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. The personality test will use questions to measure the severity of these traits. […]
Empatyzer is a tool based on professional tests for diagnosing personality, cultural differences and other features. The whole solution is based on nearly 30 years of scientific work. We’ve added a unique way of identifying the differences between people and then turning that into advice that gets to the heart of the differences between two […]
There can be many reasons for the breakdown of relationships in the workplace. It can be because of remote work, or the increasing narcissism among younger employees, or globalization, which breeds conflicts that bubble under the surface of everyday behavior. This by no means exhausts the sources of the problem however. There are many reasons […]
Emotions are data. When you see what other people are feeling, it’s information about their motivations, which takes a lot of their energy and attention. Without this information, you are effectively handicapped as a leader. Sigal Barsade   What is the belief that others have the same, and where does it come from?   The […]
Rather, we suggest measuring the level of demotivation. Research shows that most employees lose a significant amount of motivation in the first months of work, and the situation doesn’t improve much thereafter. There are at least three reasons for a loss of motivation: lack of respect, lack of achievement, and poor relationships. Relationship building includes […]
Cultural differences are differences in the way of looking at and interpreting the same things, situations, symbols, relationships, messages, etc. In business practice, it comes down to the fact that we interpret the employee-employer relationship differently, we consider different things to be acceptable or unacceptable, we judge people differently and what we expect from a […]
Everyone in the Empatyzer team had experience working in small, local, medium-sized (European) and global organizations. We worked as specialists, leaders, managers and heads of companies. Our main responsibility at some point was working with people. This taught us that people really are different. They are divided not only by character differences, but also by […]
The price of incivility in the workplace is invisible because emotions are very difficult to put into tables in a spreadsheet – the only fully understandable language of business. However, this does not change the fact that the problem exists. Research shows that incivility in the workplace has been on the rise for decades. In […]
We don’t either! We’re not really born to be empathetic. We just want to communicate well without much effort. So as to avoid unnecessary mishaps and pursue the goals we set for ourselves. Figuring out who is who and how to address them is an extremely interesting task, but so energy-intensive that we have to […]
Personality is a set of characteristics that distinguishes one person from another. It describes the way we feel our thoughts and feelings. It should be essentially unchanged throughout our lives, regardless of our experience, age and knowledge. Personality allows us to understand many behaviors and preferences, including preferred communication styles. The study of personality traits […]
It’s definitely not easy. Cultural differences don’t change just because someone was born on one side of a country’s border or another. Cultural differences also exist within countries. In addition, each of us modifies these differences by acquiring life and professional experiences. As a result, it is difficult to talk about a typical German, Swede, […]
Among those who did not experience empathetic behavior at work – from their colleagues or a leader – only 32% declared commitment. In any situation, we are first and foremost human beings. Of course, we can perfect our talents such as reliability and conscientiousness, and then, even in an environment that is not friendly to […]
It only takes a week for us to forget 90% of what we just learned   What is memorization? Continuously improving the professional competence of the workforce is a prerequisite for maintaining the company’s competitive edge. It makes it easier for employees to adapt to market changes and helps to achieve high financial results.   […]
Some people are cordial, sincere and straightforward. For others, this approach is simple naivety and exposes them to problems. With the former, you can quickly move to action, and with the latter you won’t be able to accomplish anything without a long contract and tedious negotiations. Both approaches have their pros and cons. The point […]
The terms pity, compassion, and empathy are sometimes used interchangeably. They all represent positive, altruistic qualities, but they do not refer to exactly the same experience. Pity only means that you are sorry. You don’t do anything about it. Next comes sympathy: you understand how someone feels. Empathy is the full sense of feeling what […]
Yes – and without this tool we will not achieve any business goal. It’s a paradox. The ability to communicate with another person about the realities of the workplace and business relationships is a key element of success, but it is not success in and of itself. There is only one conclusion: we need something […]
What are communication skills?   In addition to exchanging information, a key role of communication is to influence and build relationships with others (Dolna 2010). In order for it to be feasible – appropriate communication competencies are necessary. They allow to convey of understandable messages, considering the individual and cultural features of the recipient.   […]
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© 2023 - Empatyzer
The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it