
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



There is a two to three hour time difference between Mexico and Germany. Of course, we’re not referring to the geographical time difference, but about punctuality. In a culture where time is linear, time is money and you need to make the most of it. Where time is flexible, it is a tool. You use […]
Individualistic cultures breed lonely heroes. The ideal employee is like a rockstar – visible, loud, effective. Such a person, wanting to make a good impression, will talk about what they’ve done in the past. What successes they’ve had, what they’ve learned from their failures and what plans they have in the future. It makes a […]
For one, knowledge, experience, reliability and delivered results should be a sufficient reason to trust someone. They do not need to know whether you have a dog, a wife, what religion you are, whether your children (if any) like to swim or ride horses. In fact, in many cases, the other person doesn’t care at […]
Or Jacky-boy, because why not? After all, he’s the boss and you’re his employee. Respect must be expressed on many levels. You don’t have to leave Europe to encounter such a situation. This happens in many companies in both Eastern and Western parts of the continent. It all depends on the organizational culture. Sometimes, when […]
A new person joins a team. They are experienced, full of energy and ideas – a typical team player. They like to solve problems as a team and ask direct questions. After all, the most important thing is to reach the goal efficiently and collectively while overcoming all obstacles along the way, right? Well, not […]
The meeting took place on time and was very substantive, but it was poorly assessed. What was the reason? People in lower positions did not show the proper amount of respect to their superior. It was so strange that everyone met in a good restaurant, talked, took a taxi; it was relaxed, pleasant and friendly. […]
Psychologist Kurt Lewin made a simple comparison of the two types of cultures. He compared them to two fruits: coconut and peach. The coconut is hard on the outside but sweet and soft on the inside. The peach, meanwhile, is soft and sweet on the outside, but has a hard pit. It is difficult to […]
“We are an experienced team, we’ve been around the proverbial black a few times. We have our own opinions and we can cooperate. Meanwhile, the new boss comes in and immediately tells us what to do. When we call him out on this, he turns red and the atmosphere sours. Everyone is agitated.” There’s nothing […]
A new person join a team – and it’s the boss. They are completely untrustworthy. They have to ask about everything and don’t appear to have a plan. “After all, they should know everything and lead us along the right path. How can you feel secure with such a leader? These meetings where he invites […]
In an individualistic culture, people who can take a central position, express their opinions and convince others of their solutions are valued. If, in addition, it is an egalitarian culture, organizationally flat, then you can and even have to boldly enter the stage, ahead of your boss, and put on a show. In hierarchical and […]
“Yes of course. I understand what you’re saying. – Great!”. But why don’t you see all the signs that you’ve just received a refusal, and everything you’re proposing simply isn’t possible? You won’t get that report until Friday, that’s for sure. Why are you pushing? You received a refusal, only given in a way that […]
You order something from a supplier, meticulously specify the requirements, ask if it will be made in accordance with the specifications, delivered on time – and you are delighted! You hear over and over that everything will of course be delivered and completed. Yes, yes and again yes. Meanwhile, in the middle of the project, […]
In group cultures, where community and connection are more important than individuals, giving praise to one person, even if their contribution was indeed the greatest, is not welcomed. It embarrasses both the recipient and others. Positive feedback can also be a trap depending on the culture in which it is given. It’s easy to make […]
“What’s the point of deliberating and beating around the bush? The point is simple and everyone can see it: it is badly done and needs to be corrected. End of conversation – everyone can get back to work.” Well, Ok then. This may indeed end the discussion about this topic, but it can also signal […]
In some cultures, you look forward to what will be, while in others what matters most is what already happened. In the former, talking about the future – about what we can do together – arouses interest, inspires and determines key decisions. By contrast, in cultures focused on the past, the basic questions to be […]
“If there’s a specific task to do – you just do it! I have specific questions and I need specific answers to finish the task. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Talking about nothing is really frustrating. All this small talk is completely redundant.” For some, it’s unnecessary, and for others, it’s a way […]
A poker face is a way of controlling one’s environment. An advantage that does not betray our emotions, and thus does not allow them to be used against us. This style of communication can also lead to bending the truth and deception. Communicating with such a person is not easy: you have to read between […]
For some, their charm is a tool they use on a daily basis. Such people consciously try to make a certain type of impression because they know that it helps them to better deal with various matters – both current and critical ones. Charm is not a rational tool, so it is intended to work […]
Other times, a person will support a decision they disagree with just to be liked. For the same reasons, this person also says things that they know another person wants to hear. Their motives can be nefarious or completely innocent. It’s important to realize that this tendency can influence our decisions. Some respond to flattery […]
For these types of people, any negative evaluation is painful enough to be interpreted as an attack. Others may judge this as a sign of hypersensitivity. The boundary is defined individually by both personality traits and cultural differences between interlocutors. Delivering feedback is generally one of the most difficult forms of communication and carries with […]
Resistance to public speaking, visible tension when talking about important topics, difficulty in presenting content – all of this is the result of internal tension and stress. Some people look stressed, but most other people think there’s no reason to stress. Here there’s a lot of space for unfavorable assessments and stereotyping. Simple relaxation techniques […]
Newly minted managers, leaders who have just left the professional environment where they felt at home, can gain more confidence on new ground, using the support of Em. Empatyzer will not only allow them to get to know and understand the various needs of their team, but every user will also be able to follow […]
Talking about your fears not only reduces stress, but also creates an opportunity to seek help. In addition, according to UCLA studies, it’s therapeutic, because it allows you to overcome anxieties. However, such a communication mechanism can be misunderstood by some as being contagious with negative emotions, sowing fear or even immature and egocentric. The […]
Someone’s excessive sentimentality can trigger a whole spectrum of strong emotions in the interlocutor or observer. From caring, through embarrassment, to anger – depending on the dominant character traits. Seeing or listening to a person who clearly, physically experiences emotions is something that does not leave us indifferent. We start to wonder what could cause […]
Online entertainment, including games, is for young people what the backyard was for older generations. If we want to educate young people in the art of communication, we should go where they are. Empatyzer is an online service, so it is a great opportunity to build awareness of differences and the ability to cope with […]
If you want to know what’s inside or figure out how something works, then one of the best methods is a stress test. In the field of relationships and communication, this is akin to breeching a sensitive topic and then waiting for the result. Asking a provocative question is an opportunity to check how people […]
School principals can implement Empatyzer free of charge in their schools. Not only large schools in urban centers will benefit from this, but above all small schools in towns where differences in a homogeneous environment tend to be so small that they are ignored. Meanwhile, learning about differences in a low pressure environment will allow […]
The need to understand the mechanism behind other people’s actions can be very strong. Satisfying curiosity, i.e. gaining knowledge, allows you to better understand the environment, decisions, situations, and thus have a greater sense of control over reality. Asking about the motives, way of thinking, about the logical sequence behind certain statements or decisions is […]
School classrooms are becoming an increasingly diverse environment. Immigration and individualization are just two of several factors exacerbating this phenomenon. In addition to the benefits of this, we also have challenges in the context of communication. The IDEA concept (inclusion, diversity, equity, access) greatly helps to support a broader understanding of diversity. Em is a […]
People who discuss fundamental issues such as death or the meaning, purpose or nature of life on occasion tend to be interesting conversationalists. However, much depends on whether it’s the right time, place or right interlocutor for such a conversation. If any of these elements don’t match, starting such topics can be perceived as wasting […]
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The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it