
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



In group cultures, where community and connection are more important than individuals, giving praise to one person, even if their contribution was indeed the greatest, is not welcomed. It embarrasses both the recipient and others. Positive feedback can also be a trap depending on the culture in which it is given. It’s easy to make […]
“What’s the point of deliberating and beating around the bush? The point is simple and everyone can see it: it is badly done and needs to be corrected. End of conversation – everyone can get back to work.” Well, Ok then. This may indeed end the discussion about this topic, but it can also signal […]
In some cultures, you look forward to what will be, while in others what matters most is what already happened. In the former, talking about the future – about what we can do together – arouses interest, inspires and determines key decisions. By contrast, in cultures focused on the past, the basic questions to be […]
“If there’s a specific task to do – you just do it! I have specific questions and I need specific answers to finish the task. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Talking about nothing is really frustrating. All this small talk is completely redundant.” For some, it’s unnecessary, and for others, it’s a way […]
A poker face is a way of controlling one’s environment. An advantage that does not betray our emotions, and thus does not allow them to be used against us. This style of communication can also lead to bending the truth and deception. Communicating with such a person is not easy: you have to read between […]
For some, their charm is a tool they use on a daily basis. Such people consciously try to make a certain type of impression because they know that it helps them to better deal with various matters – both current and critical ones. Charm is not a rational tool, so it is intended to work […]
Other times, a person will support a decision they disagree with just to be liked. For the same reasons, this person also says things that they know another person wants to hear. Their motives can be nefarious or completely innocent. It’s important to realize that this tendency can influence our decisions. Some respond to flattery […]
For these types of people, any negative evaluation is painful enough to be interpreted as an attack. Others may judge this as a sign of hypersensitivity. The boundary is defined individually by both personality traits and cultural differences between interlocutors. Delivering feedback is generally one of the most difficult forms of communication and carries with […]
Resistance to public speaking, visible tension when talking about important topics, difficulty in presenting content – all of this is the result of internal tension and stress. Some people look stressed, but most other people think there’s no reason to stress. Here there’s a lot of space for unfavorable assessments and stereotyping. Simple relaxation techniques […]
Talking about your fears not only reduces stress, but also creates an opportunity to seek help. In addition, according to UCLA studies, it’s therapeutic, because it allows you to overcome anxieties. However, such a communication mechanism can be misunderstood by some as being contagious with negative emotions, sowing fear or even immature and egocentric. The […]
Someone’s excessive sentimentality can trigger a whole spectrum of strong emotions in the interlocutor or observer. From caring, through embarrassment, to anger – depending on the dominant character traits. Seeing or listening to a person who clearly, physically experiences emotions is something that does not leave us indifferent. We start to wonder what could cause […]
If you want to know what’s inside or figure out how something works, then one of the best methods is a stress test. In the field of relationships and communication, this is akin to breeching a sensitive topic and then waiting for the result. Asking a provocative question is an opportunity to check how people […]
The need to understand the mechanism behind other people’s actions can be very strong. Satisfying curiosity, i.e. gaining knowledge, allows you to better understand the environment, decisions, situations, and thus have a greater sense of control over reality. Asking about the motives, way of thinking, about the logical sequence behind certain statements or decisions is […]
People who discuss fundamental issues such as death or the meaning, purpose or nature of life on occasion tend to be interesting conversationalists. However, much depends on whether it’s the right time, place or right interlocutor for such a conversation. If any of these elements don’t match, starting such topics can be perceived as wasting […]
Everyone knows at least one person who regularly surprises with unusual ideas. Ones that could be implemented only under certain circumstances, and hardly anyone takes them seriously. For some, contributing left field ideas is a great source of inspiration; for others, it’s a nuisance that doesn’t lead to any specific action. Everyone may perceive it […]
This is a terrible way to gain (apparent) an advantage and is often used by people with an aggressive communication style. Sometimes the root of the problem is cultural differences. What in one culture is a method of working out the best solution, in another it may be perceived as public humiliation. In both cases, […]
Something like a how-to user guide for each individual? We dreamed about it too – every time we found ourselves on a different wavelength than someone else. However, we understood that such a guide would have to be created specifically for a specific two person pair and wouldn’t be universal. With this level of personalization, […]
We all know the situation. However, we also know that where there’s a will, there’s a way, even when there are conflicting interests. The key to solving such an impasse is skillful communication with the other person. This is not about manipulation – quite the opposite. It’s about speaking the other person’s language. When you […]
“I really don’t have time to discuss the obvious anymore. This task must simply be completed. I will keep pressuring you until it’s done – if not by pleading, shouting or blackmail, I’ll find another way. If not, I’ll be incredibly disappointed and that will also have consequences.” Do you know such people? Bosses of […]
Masters of one-liners will surely appreciate this. Not only them. However, building concise and succinct messages isn’t easy. Boiling down a lot of content into what’s most important, while maintaining sense and meaning – this is a task for a real master chef of a language kitchen. With this said, it’s worth understanding that some […]
Some people have the extraordinary ability to weave relationships from thousands of seemingly insignificant threads that together form an inseparable bond, while others twist together thick solid ropes for the same purpose. The effect and the goal are similar. Only the style is different. Differences in communication styles and preferences are not easy to diagnose […]
Longer pauses during a conversation may cause surprise and anxiety in some people. After all, such silences aren’t normal – something disturbing is going on here. On the other hand, it’s just a pause, a moment of silence to think. It’s not because one thinks too slowly, but because one thinks deeply and wants to […]
Speaking with users using a clear and understandable structure is one of the most desirable communication skills for a reason. It is not common and causes difficulty for many people. Wanting others to conform to the way you speak (because it’s cool and is yours) is as common as it is unreasonable. We are diverse […]
Sometimes it happens that both cultural and personality differences highlight differences between people at the same time. It seems that calling someone by their first name or using “Sir/Ma’am” is one of these types of behavior. The paradox of the situation is that both parties want the same thing. They want to achieve their goals […]
Shortening the proverbial communication distance is a symptom of great sympathy for people and a sign of a lot of trust. However, not everyone wants to build relationships so freely. For many, it is a risky and slow process, but it results in quite lasting and deep relationships. For such a person, there is no […]
This can cause quite a surprise, but using your sense of humor is not always advisable. Especially if you’re having a substantive conversation with a person focused around data, facts and you’re trying to organize everything precisely. It is said that a sense of humor helps to detect inconsistencies in ways of thinking, so it […]
People are interested in what they are interested in and there’s nothing wrong with that. But not necessarily all the topics you propose are interesting for others. The fact that they don’t say so is due to their psychological constitution, not necessarily their needs. They simply don’t have the determination and skill to cut through […]
To quote the classic Polish film Rejs: “At every meeting you have the same situation – someone has to start first.” It’s all but certain that around 40% of people will be happy to wait for such a person and will not dare to break the prevailing silence. They may not be second or third […]
“I generally talk to people a lot and they really like it. I’m often the center of attention.” Research shows that expressiveness in communication is a socially desirable trait. Additionally, when someone talks a lot, it takes up communication bandwidth and whether you like it or not, you have to listen to them. Everything seems […]
“There is no time to think, because there are messages and ideas all the time. It’s stressful. It shuts me down, I turn off. I need space to talk. Silence is such a space. When I talk to a certain person, there is no space. So I sit quietly and listen. I don’t like it […]
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