
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



If you work with people, this is the tool for you. If you manage people, this is the tool for you. If you’re responsible for ensuring that people communicate well, cooperate well, are able to avoid pointless conflicts and use conversation to solve problems, this is a tool created with you in mind. To sum […]
While this may come as a surprise, it turns out that quite a lot of commonly used personality tests diagnose personality not much better than… a horoscope*. So should they be used in professional research? Personality, personality model and test What is personality?  Personality is a set of traits, behaviors, feelings and thoughts that make […]
“The ball is round and there are two goals” – to quote Kazimierz Górski (no, we are not football fans). By this, we mean that teams in an organization compete for resources in order to achieve a common goal more effectively. However, no one needs to be made aware that well-coordinated teams can do more, […]
Empatyzer is not only a communication trainer that works at the website and e-mail level. It is primarily a tool linked to popular instant messenger Apps such as Slack, Discord, Teams, Outlook or Gmail. Thanks to this, during your normal work routine – conversations with other users – Empatyzer gives you real time tips on […]
Some people do not like hierarchy, others cannot imagine life without it. What is it like to meet people with such divergent attitudes? A lot of fun until you’re one of them. Cultural differences are a serious problem. You don’t see them until they appear. And when they appear, they immediately cause tension and sometimes […]
Empatyzer is a tool based on professional tests for diagnosing personality, cultural differences and other features. The whole solution is based on nearly 30 years of scientific work. We’ve added a unique way of identifying the differences between people and then turning that into advice that gets to the heart of the differences between two […]
Rather, we suggest measuring the level of demotivation. Research shows that most employees lose a significant amount of motivation in the first months of work, and the situation doesn’t improve much thereafter. There are at least three reasons for a loss of motivation: lack of respect, lack of achievement, and poor relationships. Relationship building includes […]
Everyone in the Empatyzer team had experience working in small, local, medium-sized (European) and global organizations. We worked as specialists, leaders, managers and heads of companies. Our main responsibility at some point was working with people. This taught us that people really are different. They are divided not only by character differences, but also by […]
We don’t either! We’re not really born to be empathetic. We just want to communicate well without much effort. So as to avoid unnecessary mishaps and pursue the goals we set for ourselves. Figuring out who is who and how to address them is an extremely interesting task, but so energy-intensive that we have to […]
It’s definitely not easy. Cultural differences don’t change just because someone was born on one side of a country’s border or another. Cultural differences also exist within countries. In addition, each of us modifies these differences by acquiring life and professional experiences. As a result, it is difficult to talk about a typical German, Swede, […]
Some people are cordial, sincere and straightforward. For others, this approach is simple naivety and exposes them to problems. With the former, you can quickly move to action, and with the latter you won’t be able to accomplish anything without a long contract and tedious negotiations. Both approaches have their pros and cons. The point […]
Yes – and without this tool we will not achieve any business goal. It’s a paradox. The ability to communicate with another person about the realities of the workplace and business relationships is a key element of success, but it is not success in and of itself. There is only one conclusion: we need something […]
Have you ever received emails with so much detail that you bounced off the wall of text with a bang, only to immediately hit the pile of attachments painfully? Or maybe, on the contrary, your blood pressure was raised by an e-mail with only half a sentence? Different people have different needs. Want to piss […]
In The Theory of Evil, Simon Baron-Cohen makes a well-founded thesis that empathy is the only source of kindness, patience, and understanding, while a lack of it is the main source of evil in the broader sense. A lack of empathy makes interpersonal relationships cold, difficult, harsh, and sometimes very dangerous. People who have very […]
Conflicts and misunderstandings are a constant element of interpersonal relationships – both at work and in private relationships. However, while in private relationships the relationship is the goal, in our professional life the goal is something else, and the relationship is just one of several tools that we must use. Especially at work, under the […]
From an organizational point of view, any such meeting is a waste of time and evidence of poor organization. However, whether a meeting is relevant for a particular person or not largely depends on that person’s perception. Some people take too narrow a view and only look at the details, and if those details don’t […]
Different people express their needs, ideas and opinions in different ways. A communication style is a bit like a “communication protocol”. If you choose the wrong one for your targeted recipient, the message may not be decoded or it will be decoded incorrectly. Some say everything directly, others communicate in such a way that you […]
This is nothing unusual. People are different, and thus they look at reality differently, and they feel and react in different ways. Some people get really worried and are sometimes provoked to do things that people with a different nature wouldn’t do. The problem is that the whole team starts to believe that something is […]
Small talk either drives people crazy or, on the contrary, makes them happy. Some people have a need to build relationships and create a good atmosphere, while others want dry facts to be used for cold analysis. Or they like relationships, but they need time to build them, and such shortcuts only stress them out. […]
Since Covid took over the role of CTO in companies and quickly implemented digital transformation without being asked, we are all suddenly talking to each other online. Video meetings have become the perfect and commonplace equivalent to face-to-face meetings. We haven’t actually met, and probably never will meet, many of the people we talk to […]
The art of feedback and communicating difficult decisions will never be easy. Some people will better accept information given directly, without beating around the bush and without explanation, and others will expect you to get involved, calm them down and soften their reaction. This is due to different levels of sensitivity to stimuli, as well […]
Less commitment, a reduced ability to notice and process data, a readiness to look for a job elsewhere, health problems… these are just a few of the problems that result from a bad work environment. Add to that the fact that people don’t want to help others, and the scores get even lower. This should […]
Intercultural training can be really inspiring – so many interesting and surprising differences. It’s interesting, but we need simple advice on a daily basis. How should you talk to Aashish, Eizo, or John who spent 15 years in Budapest? It’s not easy anymore. It would be necessary to know the specific cultural differences between people […]
You just have a different communication protocol than the person you don’t understand. It’s like the “http” you see at the beginning of website addresses. It’s also a protocol. Without it, you couldn’t open any page. Fortunately, this protocol is known by the browser you are using. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the content […]
The fact that the working environment is not a separate dimension, where good and bad actions are closed off and do not leave the walls of offices and invisible borders set by messengers and emails – probably everyone already knows. It is worth mentioning however, that by allowing unempathetic behavior into an organization, we act […]
What were those personality types again? What did that table look like? How should I behave? There was something – we even practiced it I think. Well, nevermind! Time is running out, and I still have this email to write. Recognize the situation? Training sessions are incredibly valuable, but knowledge retention is typically low. Never […]
In large organizations, decisions are often detached from people, and people detached from decisions. Managers should be the carrier of decisions at the next levels of the organization. However, there is a gap between a decision and its implementation that needs to be bridged with a sense of meaning, because it generates willingness. Without buy […]
“Don’t bring your work home!” This is more or less the golden rule from people who have no solutions for you, but like to lecture. However, it is still important because negative emotions are like a wave, and our breakwaters are inner and outer circles of loved ones – who also suffer under the crushing […]
Choosing the right trainer, negotiating conditions, training organization, scheduling the break from work for all trainees. A great training – everyone is smiling. How do we know that? We attended training sessions too, and we smiled too. At the beginning, we smiled a bit wider than our manager. Then, when we caught up, the width […]
Reading between the lines is hard, right? Especially when you don’t know what kind of communication style a person has. Do you think it’s especially hard for a manager? Then imagine the opposite situation: it’s just an avalanche of threats. If we could at least first know how a person usually communicates then it would […]
Empatyzer. sp. z o.o.
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15-063 Białystok, Polska
NIP: 9662180081
e-mail: em@empatyzer.com
tel.: +48 668 898 711
© 2023 - Empatyzer
The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it