
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Retention of knowledge from training courses is consistently low – and it’s no wonder. From the very beginning, we have the feeling that no one will test us about what we learn. What’s more, after the training, we return to patterns that are both imposed by the organization and those fixed in our own behavior. […]
And yet they keep coming to me with issue after issue, almost out of spite. And if they’re not starting conversations (because they’re working remotely), they send endless emails or chat messages. A person can go crazy, right? If they only knew how much you didn’t like it… They probably wouldn’t behave in such an […]
Extraversion is one of the dimensions of the so-called big five of Costa and McCrae (OCEAN). High test scorers in extroversion are ambitious, involved in the outside world, enjoy interacting with people, and are often perceived as energetic, enthusiastic, and action-oriented.
Let’s say you’re one of those people who are attentive in relationships and want your messages to be tailored to other people’s needs. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to customize your message. A simple piece of advice can put you on the right path. It will give you confidence in how you […]
Students perform better when they like their teacher and when the educational content is engaging. In the implementation of the first part, it will help us to adjust the tone and style of communication to the students’ needs. On the other hand, in the implementation of the second part, it is important to adjust the […]
OCEAN is an acronym for successive personality traits, the so-called Big Five of Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, i.e. openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. An alternative abbreviation is CANOE (canoe). This model began to be developed in the 1960s. Historically, these traits can be compared to temperament traits. And so, the sanguine […]
We used to work with young managers who quickly noticed that their specialist skills were not so useful in their new role. Soft skills started to count much more: intuition and experience in working with people. In the programming community, these skills were neither heavily trained nor specifically required. But when you become a leader, […]
Sometimes personalization is impossible. If only because there is one person speaking to many people at the same time, e.g. to an entire team. Nevertheless, some common preferences can be identified for a group of people. We can call it collective personalization. It’s possible, but it doesn’t guarantee that everything will go perfectly. Therefore, in […]
We have worked in very diverse working environments, where not only personality and cultural differences came to the fore, but also those related to the predominance of artistic or analytical talents. Unsurprisingly, we ran into trouble on more than one occasion with knowing how to behave. What to say and how to say it so […]
Ambition is one of those qualities that we greatly respect, and the goal itself is undoubtedly worth emulating. At the same time, it is very difficult – and we like the challenge. It just so happens that this is exactly the same goal that guided us when we thought about creating our solution. We turned […]
According to the memory curve, we lose up to 75% of all acquired knowledge 5 days after a training course. But then according to other studies, testing improves the retention of knowledge by 22%. What would happen if you combined the continuous practice of applying simple advice with a constant reminder of it? This idea […]
Joyful dictatorship, or the downside of enthusiastic leaders   He who has learned to listen will be able to command as well Solon   What is excessive enthusiasm?   Over-enthusiasm on the part of a leader is one of the factors hindering the effective exchange of information and ideas in a team. Probably everyone, at […]
A siren has just gone off in many suspicious heads and red flags have started waving. Just think about how many risks are hidden in this statement! By the way, do you know the phrase “to see a red flag”? It must have been invented by someone with innate caution and limited trust. These are […]
Of course, not all knowledge evaporates and not all at once. Lots of valuable information sticks. Some things will stay with you your entire life – especially when we discover an obvious truth that has remained hidden from us for many years. With this said, most of the knowledge we obtain disappears. This is natural, […]
How does kindness change a company? Showing kindness to each other increases employee engagement and satisfaction   What is kindness?   In a competitive-oriented culture, the belief that being kind does not facilitate goal achievement (Agarwal, 2019) meant that kindness was not a particular focus for leaders, and it was certainly difficult to see it […]
And we know many people who don’t have the slightest desire to comply with this wish. They’re tired of all this empathy. They want the world to finally start focusing on the important issues. Usually on their preferences. It would follow that, in principle, everyone would like the world to recognize preferences, although some want […]
I’m sure we’ve all met people with an aggressive communication style at some point. This way of conversing, which is difficult to manage for building relationships, is typical for people who tend to explode with anger, they can take out their frustration on others, they are happy to distribute tasks, say what needs to be […]
Training courses in the art of communication and cultural differences gives participants valuable knowledge. We have participated in such training courses many times. Sometimes they lasted for several days. The training itself was great, because it was not only knowledge, but also a time to relax and learn through play. But when we came back […]
The mental condition of young people and communication problems One in three young people feel lonely   What is the mental condition of adolescents?   Being a teenager is not easy – adolescence is not only a time of intense biological changes. It is also a stage of numerous psychological and social challenges – young […]
In Ray Dalio’s book, The Principles, such a corporate world is presented clearly and transparently. This is a real example that transparent communication in a company is possible. Unfortunately, many great players from the best universities have failed mentally under the pressure of ubiquitous truth. It is an environment only fit for the few. I […]
People with a precise communication style can be recognized by the fact that their statements are structured and the threads are clearly related to each other. Such people try to think about what they will say, are reluctant to speak out on trivial matters, and strive to be concise. In short, their statements carry weight […]
If you work with people, this is the tool for you. If you manage people, this is the tool for you. If you’re responsible for ensuring that people communicate well, cooperate well, are able to avoid pointless conflicts and use conversation to solve problems, this is a tool created with you in mind. To sum […]
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The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it