
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Imagination is in Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimension of openness. People who score high in this sub-dimension have a very vivid imagination and often fantasize. This is one of their ways to enrich their lives. It also makes them very creative.
Some expect that the idea will be presented to them in the form of large blocks visible from a bird’s eye view, that the general mechanics will be shown, and that the details will be added by themselves. Others want the opposite – the minute details from which they will build a high-resolution complete picture. […]
Sometimes it takes really little to change the perception of a given person, and thus the level of trust in them, readiness to help them, etc. Saying thanks and flashing a smile really make a difference. No wonder they have long entered the canon of managerial behavior and interpersonal team relationships. Unfortunately, they have become […]
To quote the classic Polish film Rejs: “At every meeting you have the same situation – someone has to start first.” It’s all but certain that around 40% of people will be happy to wait for such a person and will not dare to break the prevailing silence. They may not be second or third […]
Sociability is in Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimension describing extroversion. People who achieve high scores in sociability feel great among people, they are happy to be with them, they prefer events where there are a lot of people coming together.
If you pay attention to small details, the passing of a car on the road can seem like total chaos. Leaves are blowing all around, sand and dust are rising, the car makes a loud noise and there’s air movement. When you watch with a little less attention to detail, you see a car going […]
How we are judged depends 90% on how competent and friendly we appear to be. This is where the question of whether people will trust us or not comes into play. However, in the social belief, there are few people who are both nice and competent at the same time. We most often judge nice […]
“I generally talk to people a lot and they really like it. I’m often the center of attention.” Research shows that expressiveness in communication is a socially desirable trait. Additionally, when someone talks a lot, it takes up communication bandwidth and whether you like it or not, you have to listen to them. Everything seems […]
Cordiality is in the so-called Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimension describing extroversion. People who score high in cordiality tests are warm and kind-hearted people who feel sympathy for others and easily become attached to other people.
People who make decisions quickly have an advantage in many situations over those who analyze everything thoroughly. The former make a lot of mistakes, constantly training their intuition and their ability to make quick decisions. They constantly reaffirm their life-long attitude of automatically getting up after every fall. Meanwhile, the latter prefer to look at […]
The way that we think of ourselves is as others judge us to be. Emotions are used to judge others. We express them with facial expressions, gestures and words, creating a mirror in which we look at ourselves – as described in 1902 by Charles Horton Cooley. This is one of the things that makes […]
“There is no time to think, because there are messages and ideas all the time. It’s stressful. It shuts me down, I turn off. I need space to talk. Silence is such a space. When I talk to a certain person, there is no space. So I sit quietly and listen. I don’t like it […]
Depression is in Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimension describing neuroticism. People who score high in depressiveness feel intense sadness, loneliness and guilt. They are easily discouraged and often resign from actions they’ve taken.
“Don’t listen to what I say, listen to what I mean” – do you recognize this? Speaking between the lines can be a difficult exercise and incomprehensible behavior for many audiences. Especially when they don’t realize that they’re participating in this type of communication. We enter the next level of difficulty when speaking between the […]
It is difficult to get out of the combat mode that is needed in the “red ocean” and change the firmware to one that is suitable for the “blue ocean”. Likewise, war veterans find it difficult to transition to peaceful daily life. It’s even harder to dynamically switch from one mode to another as needed. […]
People who declare that they are only interested in facts after a steady stream of unnecessary nonsense sometimes disagree with this statement. Meanwhile, they are the ones who tend to be the biggest critics of a particular form of communication. They know exactly what they want and what they don’t. Minimalism in communication is also […]
Angry hostility (or irritability) is in Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimension describing neuroticism. High scorers in angry hostility are easily angered, tend to be impatient, and experience frustration quite often.
A lack of trust is a trait that works best in professions that require the use of the principle of limited trust and slow relationship building, e.g. in a courtroom. In other situations, this trait can be the cause of delays and personal tensions, e.g. in professions that require quick problem solving, where creativity and […]
A team is a type of matter composed of people. If there are no internal tensions in it, people are strongly connected to each other, and the whole is calculated to achieve a specific goal, then it is matter with exceptional properties. If the same people are weakly connected, there are internal tensions, then the […]
Accepting the use of emoticons and even memes (including animated ones) in business is closely correlated to the age of both the recipient and the sender, as well as the industry they work in. How does this affect communication overall? The ratings vary. This is one of the examples that shows that the message, depending […]
Anxiety is in Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimensions describing neuroticism. People with high levels of anxiety worry easily, tend to be tense and jittery. They may feel that something dangerous is about to happen.
Some value stability and routine, while others focus more on what is new and progressive. However, most companies repeat “progress, innovation, creativity” like a mantra. It’s hardly surprising that people who prefer stability don’t show it. So, of course, they are involved in new projects, ideas, brainstorming sessions and other activities that benefit from rapid […]
The pressure of time and results in medicine is no less than in business. The goals differ significantly, but the process is the same – a person has to deliver the expected quality of value on time. In medicine, the cost is not a decimal point in Excel or a broken contract, but a human […]
Corporate Manager Brian Everyman’s goal is to establish formalized, flowery communication that respects his position in the hierarchy and the rules prevailing in his environment. So how should you prepare to better communicate with Brian? We suggest the following action plan. Practice your casual communication skills by practicing with people who are similar to Brian. […]
Openness is one of the dimensions of the so-called big five of Costa and McCrae (OCEAN). People who score high in the openness dimension are full of unorthodox ideas, imagination and curiosity. They are intellectually very interesting people and open to new emotions. They have unconventional beliefs and creative ideas. They also like to try […]
In the day-to-day reality of working in a company, sending an email to one person is not as common as to two or more people. However, it is different to know how to communicate to one person than to know how to communicate to a group. Should you be more careful not to offend anyone? […]
Even the occasional stress related to bad relationships, watching such situations or even replaying them in your mind causes an increase in the level of cortisol – a hormone, the excessive secretion of which increases obesity risk, among other things. Interrupting the conversation, not focusing on the topic, ostentatiously leaving the room, pointing out flaws […]
“I’m sorry you took it that way, because that wasn’t my intention” – professionals recommend that this phrase be used to cover injuries sustained in a social setting. We recommend taking a guide to interpersonal relations with you to help you navigate a safe path through that conversation. Em is the perfect guide for this. […]
Conscientiousness is one of the dimensions of the big five of Costa and McCrae (OCEAN). High test scorers in conscientiousness like to plan, organize and prioritize this over spontaneity. Conscientiousness increases with age, then declines again later in life.
For people, relationships are the foundation on which everything else is built. Great work, pay, and company benefits will not motivate you to work in the same way as good relationships, a good team, a sense of community and understanding. Individuals will see relationships as being important to a greater and lesser degree. However, what […]
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