
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Psychological security. To many, this sounds a bit like a handbook for the parents of a two-year-old rather than research into effectiveness on the battlefield of modern business. Or maybe is it because business isn’t a battlefield after all? That we’re not actually fighting for survival at work? And that work should develop us, energize […]
The emotional style can be recognized by the fact that people who are dominant are easily moved, talk about their memories, tend to worry, and sometimes fear paralyzes their actions. These are people who, due to their level of sensitivity, are very easily offended.
People with an inquisitive communication style often try to understand other people and their motivations, which may be perceived by some as inappropriate and meddling. People with this style are intrigued by philosophical topics and, whenever possible, participate in conversations about the deeper aspects of human existence. They are also creative people who have very […]
Commitment to an organization – whether to the whole organization or to a single team – is less and less the result of mindless acceptance of a set of goals and the feeling that work is the most important goal in life. In fact, this trend is disappearing. Greater awareness and knowledge changes perception. Employees […]
Why would anyone intentionally make things worse? For a simple reason: because “there is no time for pleasantries at work.” You need to be quick, efficient and forward. The problem is that humans are not robots. What looks healthy on the surface often rots from the inside out. Problems and conflicts arising from interpersonal relationships […]
Personality tests are tests that measure traits that have been defined by one personality theory or another. One of the first theories of personality, whose author was Hippocrates, stated that there are four distinct temperaments among people: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. The personality test will use questions to measure the severity of these traits. […]
Emotions are data. When you see what other people are feeling, it’s information about their motivations, which takes a lot of their energy and attention. Without this information, you are effectively handicapped as a leader. Sigal Barsade   What is the belief that others have the same, and where does it come from?   The […]
Cultural differences are differences in the way of looking at and interpreting the same things, situations, symbols, relationships, messages, etc. In business practice, it comes down to the fact that we interpret the employee-employer relationship differently, we consider different things to be acceptable or unacceptable, we judge people differently and what we expect from a […]
Personality is a set of characteristics that distinguishes one person from another. It describes the way we feel our thoughts and feelings. It should be essentially unchanged throughout our lives, regardless of our experience, age and knowledge. Personality allows us to understand many behaviors and preferences, including preferred communication styles. The study of personality traits […]
The terms pity, compassion, and empathy are sometimes used interchangeably. They all represent positive, altruistic qualities, but they do not refer to exactly the same experience. Pity only means that you are sorry. You don’t do anything about it. Next comes sympathy: you understand how someone feels. Empathy is the full sense of feeling what […]
What are communication skills?   In addition to exchanging information, a key role of communication is to influence and build relationships with others (Dolna 2010). In order for it to be feasible – appropriate communication competencies are necessary. They allow to convey of understandable messages, considering the individual and cultural features of the recipient.   […]
Empathy isn’t that hard. We have it encoded deep within our human operating system. It’s enough not to drown out this skill and then develop it. Small gestures, appropriate words and behavior can improve the situation in a team significantly. Along with that, creativity, commitment, readiness to sacrifice, willingness to stay with the company for […]
“Empathy is not just seeing through another person’s eyes. It’s hard work of reflection and understanding how that person observes and experiences the world.” Carl Rogers What is empathy? As many as 79% of CEOs admit that being empathetic is a big challenge for them (Businessolver, 2022). Meanwhile, empathy is widely considered one of the […]
We are all social beings, but in an individualistic culture the consequences of this fact are not clear enough. Well, as individuals, we have a rather fixed amount of energy to use and we use it according to priorities. Relationships are very important for humans (because they determine our ability to survive), so they take […]
Empathy is becoming a key skill for a 21st century leader. The number of innovators increases by more than 40% if that leader is empathetic. 76% of those who experienced empathy from their leaders said they were engaged at work – compared to just 32% who experienced less empathy. These are powerful numbers that no […]
Empathy – it sounds so soft which doesn’t fit the stereotype of a tough, psychopathic business leader straight from the 1980s. Fortunately, tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis, the times are a changin’ and so are we. And so both Tim Cook, CEO of Apple and Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, declared that empathy […]
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The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it