
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Someone’s excessive sentimentality can trigger a whole spectrum of strong emotions in the interlocutor or observer. From caring, through embarrassment, to anger – depending on the dominant character traits. Seeing or listening to a person who clearly, physically experiences emotions is something that does not leave us indifferent. We start to wonder what could cause […]
In a nutshell, the reliability of a psychometric test is that its results are consistent over time for a given person. If the results of the test differ after repeated tests, the test is not reliable.
Online entertainment, including games, is for young people what the backyard was for older generations. If we want to educate young people in the art of communication, we should go where they are. Empatyzer is an online service, so it is a great opportunity to build awareness of differences and the ability to cope with […]
If you want to know what’s inside or figure out how something works, then one of the best methods is a stress test. In the field of relationships and communication, this is akin to breeching a sensitive topic and then waiting for the result. Asking a provocative question is an opportunity to check how people […]
That which is soft requires hard measurements. That’s why, when measuring human characteristics, it’s necessary to be as rigorous as possible in order to obtain a reliable result. Thus, the vast majority of pop-psychology tests are just fun, not psychology. For a psychological test to be credible, it must be valid, reliable, standardized, normalized, and […]
School principals can implement Empatyzer free of charge in their schools. Not only large schools in urban centers will benefit from this, but above all small schools in towns where differences in a homogeneous environment tend to be so small that they are ignored. Meanwhile, learning about differences in a low pressure environment will allow […]
The need to understand the mechanism behind other people’s actions can be very strong. Satisfying curiosity, i.e. gaining knowledge, allows you to better understand the environment, decisions, situations, and thus have a greater sense of control over reality. Asking about the motives, way of thinking, about the logical sequence behind certain statements or decisions is […]
School classrooms are becoming an increasingly diverse environment. Immigration and individualization are just two of several factors exacerbating this phenomenon. In addition to the benefits of this, we also have challenges in the context of communication. The IDEA concept (inclusion, diversity, equity, access) greatly helps to support a broader understanding of diversity. Em is a […]
The intuition of many leaders tells them that the environment inside an organization is governed by the same laws as the environment outside. Since the external market is aggressive and does not tolerate weaknesses, and any mistakes are exploited, the same rules apply inside a company. It is also a market. Influence, gains, losses, layoffs […]
People who discuss fundamental issues such as death or the meaning, purpose or nature of life on occasion tend to be interesting conversationalists. However, much depends on whether it’s the right time, place or right interlocutor for such a conversation. If any of these elements don’t match, starting such topics can be perceived as wasting […]
Since the 1970s, empathy has been declining in the US and narcissism has been on the rise. It is believed that the source of this trend is the development of the Internet and the increasing use of social media, which encourages self-promotion and focuses on the self. At the same time, the increased number of […]
Intensive relationship building, developing interpersonal skills and learning the art of communication are all necessary when at school. Unfortunately, the curriculum usually does not support these skills. If the school deals with this topic, it’s not in the form of systematic classes that would constantly improve skills in this area. As a result, young people […]
The lack of a sense of being part of a team leads to exclusion and is a difficult experience for people. Our internal software sets the sense of belonging and relationship quality as important values. It triggers an alarm state when the situation in this context is not favorable for us. The feeling of loneliness […]
Everyone knows at least one person who regularly surprises with unusual ideas. Ones that could be implemented only under certain circumstances, and hardly anyone takes them seriously. For some, contributing left field ideas is a great source of inspiration; for others, it’s a nuisance that doesn’t lead to any specific action. Everyone may perceive it […]
Artificial emotional intelligence, also known as affective computing, is the coding in devices or software of the ability to read emotions and adapt them to the needs of the user. Usually, it’s about recognizing emotions and translating them to the other side. A good example is interpreting very minor changes in the facial expression or […]
Growing up is difficult, and building relationships, i.e. communication, is one of the basic skills learned during this period. This process will not go smoothly without the buy-in from young people themselves and making them aware of the diversity of personality types, characters and cultures. School counselors and school psychologists play a key role in […]
The Empathy Gap exists and is doing well, although it should be noted that the problem is decreasing year by year. The growing awareness of companies means that they implement more and more processes that allow you to effectively implement empathy. Our tool is one of the solutions that can significantly support these efforts.
This is a terrible way to gain (apparent) an advantage and is often used by people with an aggressive communication style. Sometimes the root of the problem is cultural differences. What in one culture is a method of working out the best solution, in another it may be perceived as public humiliation. In both cases, […]
More than 74% of American companies use a permanent hybrid work model or intend to implement it. This trend is on the rise regardless of location when it comes to desk jobs, which globally account for 20% of employees. In this new reality, online communication dominates, where one can no longer (or to a much […]
Research conducted by Businessolver year after year shows a steady increase in awareness among CEOs that empathy is a key skill in business in the 21st century. However, understanding and awareness is one thing, and implementation of it another. The Empathy Gap is no accident. It’s just that leaders were not held accountable for this […]
Something like a how-to user guide for each individual? We dreamed about it too – every time we found ourselves on a different wavelength than someone else. However, we understood that such a guide would have to be created specifically for a specific two person pair and wouldn’t be universal. With this level of personalization, […]
Chat is becoming an increasingly popular communication channel in business. Tech companies that adapt solutions such as Slack or Discord are at the forefront here in particular. Other industries are dominated by more business-related communication platforms such as Teams. Em can provide advice across all of these channels, making sure good conversations can continue across […]
The war for talent roars on. According to Glassdoor, recruiting one specialist translates to 250 applicants, 5 interviews and 1 candidate. The entire recruitment process can be very expensive, because according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the average cost in a company of up to 500 people is $7,645. Resignation from a […]
We all know the situation. However, we also know that where there’s a will, there’s a way, even when there are conflicting interests. The key to solving such an impasse is skillful communication with the other person. This is not about manipulation – quite the opposite. It’s about speaking the other person’s language. When you […]
IDEA is an acronym for inclusion, diversity, equity, access. It is a concept that supports diversity and prevents disadvantages that exclude people from a community. Inclusion means that any person or group should be respected and made to feel welcome. Diversity includes all the differences between people, including the various characteristics that distinguish one person […]
16% of managers prefer email interactions because they feel uncomfortable communicating face-to-face. 30% of medium-sized companies primarily use email to communicate. Taking this into account, the ability to communicate properly in this channel is crucial. That’s why Em gives you tips about how to better communicate with others in Outlook and Gmail.
The gap between what company bosses (92%) declare about empathy and what employees feel (72%) is wide. The bosses are similarly optimistic when assessing their company’s relations with customers. Apparently, positive thinking is needed to function in a highly demanding and changing environment. Whatever the reasons, it is important to remember that the view from […]
“I really don’t have time to discuss the obvious anymore. This task must simply be completed. I will keep pressuring you until it’s done – if not by pleading, shouting or blackmail, I’ll find another way. If not, I’ll be incredibly disappointed and that will also have consequences.” Do you know such people? Bosses of […]
I&D stands for inclusion and diversity. Diversity prevents disadvantages that exclude people from a community. Inclusion means that any person or group should be respected and made to feel welcome. Implementation of I&D is a complex process that is based on leadership. According to ABSL, a contemporary leader must be empathetic, open and transparent in […]
IDEA stands for inclusion, diversity, equity and access. Em helps build a culture based on these values ​​by helping people understand each other.
Empatyzer. sp. z o.o.
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15-063 Białystok, Polska
NIP: 9662180081
e-mail: em@empatyzer.com
tel.: +48 668 898 711
© 2023 - Empatyzer
The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it