
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Intensive relationship building, developing interpersonal skills and learning the art of communication are all necessary when at school. Unfortunately, the curriculum usually does not support these skills. If the school deals with this topic, it’s not in the form of systematic classes that would constantly improve skills in this area. As a result, young people […]
Everyone knows at least one person who regularly surprises with unusual ideas. Ones that could be implemented only under certain circumstances, and hardly anyone takes them seriously. For some, contributing left field ideas is a great source of inspiration; for others, it’s a nuisance that doesn’t lead to any specific action. Everyone may perceive it […]
Growing up is difficult, and building relationships, i.e. communication, is one of the basic skills learned during this period. This process will not go smoothly without the buy-in from young people themselves and making them aware of the diversity of personality types, characters and cultures. School counselors and school psychologists play a key role in […]
This is a terrible way to gain (apparent) an advantage and is often used by people with an aggressive communication style. Sometimes the root of the problem is cultural differences. What in one culture is a method of working out the best solution, in another it may be perceived as public humiliation. In both cases, […]
More than 74% of American companies use a permanent hybrid work model or intend to implement it. This trend is on the rise regardless of location when it comes to desk jobs, which globally account for 20% of employees. In this new reality, online communication dominates, where one can no longer (or to a much […]
Something like a how-to user guide for each individual? We dreamed about it too – every time we found ourselves on a different wavelength than someone else. However, we understood that such a guide would have to be created specifically for a specific two person pair and wouldn’t be universal. With this level of personalization, […]
Chat is becoming an increasingly popular communication channel in business. Tech companies that adapt solutions such as Slack or Discord are at the forefront here in particular. Other industries are dominated by more business-related communication platforms such as Teams. Em can provide advice across all of these channels, making sure good conversations can continue across […]
We all know the situation. However, we also know that where there’s a will, there’s a way, even when there are conflicting interests. The key to solving such an impasse is skillful communication with the other person. This is not about manipulation – quite the opposite. It’s about speaking the other person’s language. When you […]
16% of managers prefer email interactions because they feel uncomfortable communicating face-to-face. 30% of medium-sized companies primarily use email to communicate. Taking this into account, the ability to communicate properly in this channel is crucial. That’s why Em gives you tips about how to better communicate with others in Outlook and Gmail.
“I really don’t have time to discuss the obvious anymore. This task must simply be completed. I will keep pressuring you until it’s done – if not by pleading, shouting or blackmail, I’ll find another way. If not, I’ll be incredibly disappointed and that will also have consequences.” Do you know such people? Bosses of […]
IDEA stands for inclusion, diversity, equity and access. Em helps build a culture based on these values ​​by helping people understand each other.
Masters of one-liners will surely appreciate this. Not only them. However, building concise and succinct messages isn’t easy. Boiling down a lot of content into what’s most important, while maintaining sense and meaning – this is a task for a real master chef of a language kitchen. With this said, it’s worth understanding that some […]
Em supports the idea of ​​accessibility by helping people communicate. This makes it easier to build bridges between employees.
Some people have the extraordinary ability to weave relationships from thousands of seemingly insignificant threads that together form an inseparable bond, while others twist together thick solid ropes for the same purpose. The effect and the goal are similar. Only the style is different. Differences in communication styles and preferences are not easy to diagnose […]
Em gives everyone a chance to be understood, and thus treated equally due to the manner of communication, talents and expectations. In this way, she helps to build a culture based on equality.
Longer pauses during a conversation may cause surprise and anxiety in some people. After all, such silences aren’t normal – something disturbing is going on here. On the other hand, it’s just a pause, a moment of silence to think. It’s not because one thinks too slowly, but because one thinks deeply and wants to […]
Diversity includes all the many differences between people and relates to any characteristics that distinguish one person or group from others. This includes personality traits and cultural differences. Em helps to implement a diversity policy in the company – every day, all year round, in every online conversation.
Speaking with users using a clear and understandable structure is one of the most desirable communication skills for a reason. It is not common and causes difficulty for many people. Wanting others to conform to the way you speak (because it’s cool and is yours) is as common as it is unreasonable. We are diverse […]
Inclusion into a community requires not only appropriate procedures, but also building understanding and mutual respect. Em supports this idea by building awareness and providing tools so that we can better understand other people in the workplace and in educational institutions.
Sometimes it happens that both cultural and personality differences highlight differences between people at the same time. It seems that calling someone by their first name or using “Sir/Ma’am” is one of these types of behavior. The paradox of the situation is that both parties want the same thing. They want to achieve their goals […]
Most of us, even those in long-term relationships, always feel like there’s only one way to understand certain information. Especially in a professional situation, where everything has a clear business context, and relationships are shallower, more accidental, sometimes one-off. Meanwhile, it may be very important for the quality of communication in such cases to remind […]
Shortening the proverbial communication distance is a symptom of great sympathy for people and a sign of a lot of trust. However, not everyone wants to build relationships so freely. For many, it is a risky and slow process, but it results in quite lasting and deep relationships. For such a person, there is no […]
Reminding yourself that in a particular situation it’s better to control your explosiveness helps to keep your reactions under control. How does Em help us with this? In some relationships, she gives out advice that reduces the risk of misbehavior by one or both parties.
This can cause quite a surprise, but using your sense of humor is not always advisable. Especially if you’re having a substantive conversation with a person focused around data, facts and you’re trying to organize everything precisely. It is said that a sense of humor helps to detect inconsistencies in ways of thinking, so it […]
You have to know what it means, that’s for sure. But you also need to be aware that with some people you need to pay extra attention to listening and taking longer pauses. These people need time to think before they can express themselves. Em knows what those moments are and which people to talk […]
People are interested in what they are interested in and there’s nothing wrong with that. But not necessarily all the topics you propose are interesting for others. The fact that they don’t say so is due to their psychological constitution, not necessarily their needs. They simply don’t have the determination and skill to cut through […]
Some expect that the idea will be presented to them in the form of large blocks visible from a bird’s eye view, that the general mechanics will be shown, and that the details will be added by themselves. Others want the opposite – the minute details from which they will build a high-resolution complete picture. […]
To quote the classic Polish film Rejs: “At every meeting you have the same situation – someone has to start first.” It’s all but certain that around 40% of people will be happy to wait for such a person and will not dare to break the prevailing silence. They may not be second or third […]
If you pay attention to small details, the passing of a car on the road can seem like total chaos. Leaves are blowing all around, sand and dust are rising, the car makes a loud noise and there’s air movement. When you watch with a little less attention to detail, you see a car going […]
“I generally talk to people a lot and they really like it. I’m often the center of attention.” Research shows that expressiveness in communication is a socially desirable trait. Additionally, when someone talks a lot, it takes up communication bandwidth and whether you like it or not, you have to listen to them. Everything seems […]
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© 2023 - Empatyzer
The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it