
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Small talk either drives people crazy or, on the contrary, makes them happy. Some people have a need to build relationships and create a good atmosphere, while others want dry facts to be used for cold analysis. Or they like relationships, but they need time to build them, and such shortcuts only stress them out. […]
Since Covid took over the role of CTO in companies and quickly implemented digital transformation without being asked, we are all suddenly talking to each other online. Video meetings have become the perfect and commonplace equivalent to face-to-face meetings. We haven’t actually met, and probably never will meet, many of the people we talk to […]
Microaggressions are not only about biting comments and obscene jokes. They are also improperly constructed compliments that can cost your company a lot. What is a microaggression? Verbal messages can affect employees in two ways: motivate them to develop or lower their self-esteem. Undermining the competence and value of an employee can happen when inappropriate […]
The art of feedback and communicating difficult decisions will never be easy. Some people will better accept information given directly, without beating around the bush and without explanation, and others will expect you to get involved, calm them down and soften their reaction. This is due to different levels of sensitivity to stimuli, as well […]
Less commitment, a reduced ability to notice and process data, a readiness to look for a job elsewhere, health problems… these are just a few of the problems that result from a bad work environment. Add to that the fact that people don’t want to help others, and the scores get even lower. This should […]
Intercultural training can be really inspiring – so many interesting and surprising differences. It’s interesting, but we need simple advice on a daily basis. How should you talk to Aashish, Eizo, or John who spent 15 years in Budapest? It’s not easy anymore. It would be necessary to know the specific cultural differences between people […]
Personalizing education is both necessary and virtually impossible to implement in the current educational system. However, this impossibility of implementation is just due to a lack of tools? If so, this is a problem that can be solved. What are learning styles? We all have our preferred learning styles. According to one of the typologies […]
You just have a different communication protocol than the person you don’t understand. It’s like the “http” you see at the beginning of website addresses. It’s also a protocol. Without it, you couldn’t open any page. Fortunately, this protocol is known by the browser you are using. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the content […]
What were those personality types again? What did that table look like? How should I behave? There was something – we even practiced it I think. Well, nevermind! Time is running out, and I still have this email to write. Recognize the situation? Training sessions are incredibly valuable, but knowledge retention is typically low. Never […]
People don’t change, but they can improve themselves. Using one’s own temperament in a new way, they can bend it to serve other values (Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt). What is temperament? Temperament is a set of constant behavioral traits that can already be visible from infancy. Example: some babies are calm while others cry very loudly. The […]
In large organizations, decisions are often detached from people, and people detached from decisions. Managers should be the carrier of decisions at the next levels of the organization. However, there is a gap between a decision and its implementation that needs to be bridged with a sense of meaning, because it generates willingness. Without buy […]
Choosing the right trainer, negotiating conditions, training organization, scheduling the break from work for all trainees. A great training – everyone is smiling. How do we know that? We attended training sessions too, and we smiled too. At the beginning, we smiled a bit wider than our manager. Then, when we caught up, the width […]
“In fact, no one can overcome their temperament. It will always determine their conduct.” Alfred Kubin Who is a choleric? The theory of temperaments by Hippocrates and Galen assumes that there are four juices flowing through the human body. On the basis of whichever juice there is the most of, the corresponding type of human […]
Reading between the lines is hard, right? Especially when you don’t know what kind of communication style a person has. Do you think it’s especially hard for a manager? Then imagine the opposite situation: it’s just an avalanche of threats. If we could at least first know how a person usually communicates then it would […]
It is not without reason that they say that people with few problems sleep well. The quality of our sleep is a good diagnosis of our emotional state, this includes the situation at work. The short-term consequences of sleep disruption include increased stress responses, somatic problems, reduced quality of life, mood disorders, and other mental […]
Growing up is hard enough without communication difficulties. Meanwhile, we leave our children without any practical knowledge of how people differ from one another and how to talk to someone different from yourself. Good communication will not solve all students’ problems, but it will certainly make their lives easier. Especially since these days the average […]
Professional cross-cultural training for teams and entire companies is a time-consuming and cost-intensive operation. Even after a perfect training, the effects are not immediate, and knowledge retention leaves much to be desired. It would be good to conduct training sessions systematically and include everyone, but it’s impossible. Meanwhile, the problems continue to grow, giving rise […]
Company parties, training sessions in interpersonal communication, cultural differences – and what are the effects? It’s better, but the atmosphere in the team is still tense? It’s quite natural. It’s one thing to receive knowledge, another to assimilate it, and yet another thing to put it into practice and then do it so often that […]
Reliability determines whether a given test is valuable. This is what distinguishes a diagnostic test from a horoscope. Unfortunately, it is reliability that is often lacking, even in professional solutions based on scientific tests. What does it mean that a test is reliable? The reliability of a test tells us about the repeatability and accuracy […]
Our own culture is like air to us – it’s natural and imperceptible. That is until we come into contact with another culture. Then everything gets complicated. “Yes” doesn’t mean “yes”, “no” doesn’t mean “no”, “good” is “bad”, and “bad” is “quite good”. To make it even harder, our place of birth doesn’t necessarily determine […]
Focusing on the effect and forgetting about people and their needs does not end well for businesses. Of course, people can be programmed to be insensitive to these disadvantages. Indeed, one can internalize and glorify such a phenomena. Then, you can hear a statement from employees expressed directly or between the lines that this is […]
Are sparks flying? Gelling can be a difficult process. The abrasions that occur during this process sometimes take a long time to heal. This is not good for the overall effectiveness of the team, nor for the well-being of its members. People suffer, the project suffers, the business loses. I can only sympathize with the […]
How much easier it would be if we could see thought bubbles above everyone’s head with a suggestion as to how to communicate. How many intercultural mishaps, misunderstandings and unnecessary tensions between people could be avoided! That’s why we created an online solution that does exactly that. It gives short pieces of advice about how […]
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The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it