
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



All bosses want committed teams that will rise to the occasion when additional commitment is required. However, commitment does not come from nothing. This is yield. In order to collect it, you must first prepare the ground, then sow it and, most importantly, provide the right conditions for its growth. Be caring, show understanding, adapt […]
Masters of one-liners will surely appreciate this. Not only them. However, building concise and succinct messages isn’t easy. Boiling down a lot of content into what’s most important, while maintaining sense and meaning – this is a task for a real master chef of a language kitchen. With this said, it’s worth understanding that some […]
As humans, we attribute human characteristics to robots. We add, as it were, features that we think are correlated. So, if a robot “smiles,” we attribute emotions to it, even though we know that a robot cannot feel emotions. The release of automatism in us in the form of a reaction, e.g. to a smile, […]
Em supports the idea of ​​accessibility by helping people communicate. This makes it easier to build bridges between employees.
Psychological and psychiatric problems are being reported more and more often, especially since the changes caused by the pandemic. Research shows that a good hedge against these problems is simple human kindness. This kindness can be expressed on many different levels: organizational, process, and on those that simply make us feel comfortable talking to someone […]
Some people have the extraordinary ability to weave relationships from thousands of seemingly insignificant threads that together form an inseparable bond, while others twist together thick solid ropes for the same purpose. The effect and the goal are similar. Only the style is different. Differences in communication styles and preferences are not easy to diagnose […]
Robots and programs can behave empathetically, recognizing emotions and responding to them automatically. As humans, we are also influenced by automatisms. We react to what the robot does and ascribe certain human characteristics to it – we anthropomorphize it. Experience has shown that if a robot shaped like a small dinosaur (Pleo) is held by […]
Em gives everyone a chance to be understood, and thus treated equally due to the manner of communication, talents and expectations. In this way, she helps to build a culture based on equality.
It is easier for us to operate in a friendly environment and we all know this from our own experience. We may wonder if research was needed to confirm this. But it’s good to know exactly what you know, as well as to know what you don’t know yet. Especially since our own intuition can […]
Longer pauses during a conversation may cause surprise and anxiety in some people. After all, such silences aren’t normal – something disturbing is going on here. On the other hand, it’s just a pause, a moment of silence to think. It’s not because one thinks too slowly, but because one thinks deeply and wants to […]
While empathy is the ability to identify and empathize with another person’s emotions, in the case of a narcissist, the ability to recognize emotions may still exist, but there is no stage of empathizing with the other person; therefore knowledge about emotions is not a strong driver for behavioral changes. It’s a myth that narcissistic […]
Diversity includes all the many differences between people and relates to any characteristics that distinguish one person or group from others. This includes personality traits and cultural differences. Em helps to implement a diversity policy in the company – every day, all year round, in every online conversation.
Inclusivity and preventing exclusion are beautiful slogans that every mature organization tries to implement. Declarations in promotional materials and internal regulations are a good start, but they are still only declarations. Implementation is different. A good illustration is the saying “they say one thing but do another” – and this is sometimes despite sincere intentions. […]
Speaking with users using a clear and understandable structure is one of the most desirable communication skills for a reason. It is not common and causes difficulty for many people. Wanting others to conform to the way you speak (because it’s cool and is yours) is as common as it is unreasonable. We are diverse […]
The “Nature of Human Behavior” monthly conducted research in which the authors found that by examining the number of messages exchanged between people, the transition to remote work for all employees resulted in communication network silos. In short: we talk more within our team than between teams. This negatively affects the company’s organizational culture and […]
Inclusion into a community requires not only appropriate procedures, but also building understanding and mutual respect. Em supports this idea by building awareness and providing tools so that we can better understand other people in the workplace and in educational institutions.
As if the statistics on poor workplace relationships and their consequences weren’t worrying enough, the pandemic has added additional problems to the mix. The percentage of people who have experienced a deterioration in their mental health is 42%. 67% of respondents experience increased stress, and 54% are emotionally exhausted. How can we build efficient teams […]
Sometimes it happens that both cultural and personality differences highlight differences between people at the same time. It seems that calling someone by their first name or using “Sir/Ma’am” is one of these types of behavior. The paradox of the situation is that both parties want the same thing. They want to achieve their goals […]
Assertiveness is in Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimension of extroversion. People with high scores on this scale are dominant, effective, direct, and often take the initiative to lead a group.
Most of us, even those in long-term relationships, always feel like there’s only one way to understand certain information. Especially in a professional situation, where everything has a clear business context, and relationships are shallower, more accidental, sometimes one-off. Meanwhile, it may be very important for the quality of communication in such cases to remind […]
Recalling an unpleasant situation triggers reactions in the body similar to those that took place during the situation itself. Meeting the person who caused the negative experience can trigger the same emotions. No wonder we avoid people we don’t like. However, one can get the impression that the workplace is treated as a different dimension […]
Shortening the proverbial communication distance is a symptom of great sympathy for people and a sign of a lot of trust. However, not everyone wants to build relationships so freely. For many, it is a risky and slow process, but it results in quite lasting and deep relationships. For such a person, there is no […]
The tendency towards order is in Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimension of conscientiousness. People who score high on the tendency towards order sub-dimension are well organized. They like to live according to routines and schedules. They keep lists and make plans. They avoid distraction and clutter.
Reminding yourself that in a particular situation it’s better to control your explosiveness helps to keep your reactions under control. How does Em help us with this? In some relationships, she gives out advice that reduces the risk of misbehavior by one or both parties.
It is sometimes said that someone experiences this or that negative event. They take the time and energy to work through the problem in their own way. Apart from the purely physical and psychological repercussions of this stress, such as elevated cortisol or depression, the immediate effect is reduced productivity and the need to spend […]
This can cause quite a surprise, but using your sense of humor is not always advisable. Especially if you’re having a substantive conversation with a person focused around data, facts and you’re trying to organize everything precisely. It is said that a sense of humor helps to detect inconsistencies in ways of thinking, so it […]
Altruism is in Costa and McCrae’s big five sub-dimension of agreeableness. People with high scores in the altruism sub-dimension are considerate to others, generous and they are willing to help other people.
You have to know what it means, that’s for sure. But you also need to be aware that with some people you need to pay extra attention to listening and taking longer pauses. These people need time to think before they can express themselves. Em knows what those moments are and which people to talk […]
Where did such a research observation come from, since we remember from professional experience that aggressive and insensitive people quite often reach the top? Well, it seems that this happened in spite of the incivility, not because of it. Reaching the top is one thing, but staying there is another. Without support, it will not […]
People are interested in what they are interested in and there’s nothing wrong with that. But not necessarily all the topics you propose are interesting for others. The fact that they don’t say so is due to their psychological constitution, not necessarily their needs. They simply don’t have the determination and skill to cut through […]
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e-mail: em@empatyzer.com
tel.: +48 668 898 711
© 2023 - Empatyzer
The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it