
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Joyful dictatorship, or the downside of enthusiastic leaders   He who has learned to listen will be able to command as well Solon   What is excessive enthusiasm?   Over-enthusiasm on the part of a leader is one of the factors hindering the effective exchange of information and ideas in a team. Probably everyone, at […]
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the financial sector is gaining importance as awareness grows of the benefits of diverse perspectives and more inclusive work environments. In an industry that has traditionally been viewed as conservative and homogeneous, D&I initiatives are designed to not only promote equality and fairness, but also to contribute to innovation, improve […]
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in Human Resources (HR) is the cornerstone of modern people management strategies and organizational culture. HR plays a leading role in shaping policies, practices and cultures that support diversity at all levels of the organization. From recruitment and selection, to development and training, to performance appraisal and people retention strategies, D&I […]
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the construction sector are topics that are increasingly being raised in industry discussions, despite the fact that the sector has traditionally been considered male-dominated with little diversity. In the context of global challenges such as the need for sustainability, innovation and inclusion, the construction industry faces the task of remodeling […]
How does kindness change a company? Showing kindness to each other increases employee engagement and satisfaction   What is kindness?   In a competitive-oriented culture, the belief that being kind does not facilitate goal achievement (Agarwal, 2019) meant that kindness was not a particular focus for leaders, and it was certainly difficult to see it […]
Today, diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the healthcare sector is taking on special importance, reflecting the growing public awareness of equality, equity and access to healthcare for all. The healthcare sector, which is on the front lines of caring for the well-being of communities, faces the challenge of creating an environment that is not only […]



In group cultures, where community and connection are more important than individuals, giving praise to one person, even if their contribution was indeed the greatest, is not welcomed. It embarrasses both the recipient and others. Positive feedback can also be a trap depending on the culture in which it is given. It’s easy to make […]
“What’s the point of deliberating and beating around the bush? The point is simple and everyone can see it: it is badly done and needs to be corrected. End of conversation – everyone can get back to work.” Well, Ok then. This may indeed end the discussion about this topic, but it can also signal […]
In some cultures, you look forward to what will be, while in others what matters most is what already happened. In the former, talking about the future – about what we can do together – arouses interest, inspires and determines key decisions. By contrast, in cultures focused on the past, the basic questions to be […]



Does our personality change over the course of our lives?
Research by Markey and Tinsley in 2004 shows that personality traits are relatively stable from preschool to adulthood. However, with age, agreeableness and conscientiousness increase, and neuroticism decreases.
Inheritance of personality traits
According to research, we inherit a lot of personality traits. And so it is believed that 54% of us inherit extraversion, 49% conscientiousness, 48% neuroticism, and 42% agreeableness. The research dates back to 2003 and was performed on twins.
Temperament vs. Personality
The debate over what is temperament and what is personality is still ongoing. However, one can risk saying that “temperament is a non-verbalized personality”, i.e. temperament and personality describe similar or the very same features. Temperament is anchored in the biochemical system of the brain, and personality is a socio-cultural product built on temperament.


Em helps to integrate various groups of schoolchildren.
School classrooms are becoming an increasingly diverse environment. Immigration and individualization are just two of several factors exacerbating this phenomenon. In addition to the benefits of this, we also have challenges in the context of communication. The IDEA concept (inclusion, diversity, equity, access) greatly helps to support a broader understanding of diversity. Em is a […]
Em teaches schoolchildren communication skills.
Intensive relationship building, developing interpersonal skills and learning the art of communication are all necessary when at school. Unfortunately, the curriculum usually does not support these skills. If the school deals with this topic, it’s not in the form of systematic classes that would constantly improve skills in this area. As a result, young people […]
Em supports school educators and psychologists.
Growing up is difficult, and building relationships, i.e. communication, is one of the basic skills learned during this period. This process will not go smoothly without the buy-in from young people themselves and making them aware of the diversity of personality types, characters and cultures. School counselors and school psychologists play a key role in […]
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The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it