
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Focusing on the effect and forgetting about people and their needs does not end well for businesses. Of course, people can be programmed to be insensitive to these disadvantages. Indeed, one can internalize and glorify such a phenomena. Then, you can hear a statement from employees expressed directly or between the lines that this is […]
Are sparks flying? Gelling can be a difficult process. The abrasions that occur during this process sometimes take a long time to heal. This is not good for the overall effectiveness of the team, nor for the well-being of its members. People suffer, the project suffers, the business loses. I can only sympathize with the […]
It’s fun to work with people you get along with. It’s easier to feel part of the shared goals and responsibility for delivering results. Work is no longer just about the company you work for – which is often a large international organization – but about the people you work with. Your work may not […]
Diversity without including minority groups in a company’s activities is not only wasted potential, but it also lowers the chance of market success. What is Diversity & Inclusion? The basic assumption of the D&I philosophy is to acknowledge the diverse characteristics of employees and to incorporate them into all of a company’s activities in the […]
How much easier it would be if we could see thought bubbles above everyone’s head with a suggestion as to how to communicate. How many intercultural mishaps, misunderstandings and unnecessary tensions between people could be avoided! That’s why we created an online solution that does exactly that. It gives short pieces of advice about how […]
Empathy is becoming a key skill for a 21st century leader. The number of innovators increases by more than 40% if that leader is empathetic. 76% of those who experienced empathy from their leaders said they were engaged at work – compared to just 32% who experienced less empathy. These are powerful numbers that no […]
It’s obvious that we’re all different. It’s much more difficult to define exactly what makes us different. It’s even harder to find the key to communicating with a specific person. Developed empathy is a rare quality. Meanwhile, from the point of view of a team and the employees themselves, the team should communicate fluently and […]
Good relationships in teams don’t come out of nowhere. Their source is primarily communication between individuals. Taking into account the fact that everyone is different, good communication is never easy. If you’ve ever been surprised by the reaction to your words, then you know what we’re talking about. You send an “A” signal, while someone […]
Culture explains to us the rules that govern the world – and most of us are convinced that these rules are universal. There could be no greater mistake. What are cultural differences? With cultural differences, the problem isn’t what we can see or observe i.e., different types of clothing, food, music or customs. These are […]
Do you ever feel like you’re surrounded by idiots? It happens. We’re all different from each other both personally and culturally. Most people find it difficult to name and comprehend these differences, let alone put this knowledge into practice. That is why we decided to create a tool that will enable better communication even in […]
Empathy – it sounds so soft which doesn’t fit the stereotype of a tough, psychopathic business leader straight from the 1980s. Fortunately, tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis, the times are a changin’ and so are we. And so both Tim Cook, CEO of Apple and Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, declared that empathy […]
The art of communication is called an art form for a reason. It is the ability to read the preferences of another person, understand the differences between yourself and to whom you are addressing and then create a message that will be well understood and accepted. Chapeau bas for those who can pull this off […]
Work environments are becoming more and more diverse. This has a positive impact on a company’s condition because diversity is a source of ideas and innovation, but the cost is poor communication. Diversity has many different dimensions. The most important, however, are personality and cultural differences. As we experienced the consequences of poor communication ourselves, […]
In today’s rapidly changing business world, diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the professional services sector is becoming not just a moral imperative, but a key success factor. Covering areas such as consulting, law, accounting and information technology, the sector faces the challenge of adapting to a globally diverse labor market and clientele. Implementing D&I is […]
The entertainment sector, which is at the intersection of creativity, culture and technology, is increasingly recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion (D&I) in creating universal content. From movies to music to video games, the industry faces the challenge of not only entertaining, but also educating and connecting people from all corners of the world. […]
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the tourism sector is essential to creating a welcoming and enjoyable experience for all travelers. In an industry that brings together people from different cultures and backgrounds, promoting D&I not only fosters better cross-cultural understanding and respect, but also contributes to the sustainability and growth of the sector. By prioritizing […]
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the aviation sector is becoming increasingly important in the context of global operations and a diverse clientele. Airlines and other aviation industry players face the challenge of creating work environments and services that are inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or ability. The current state […]
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the marketing and advertising sector is key to creating content that reflects and engages a diverse society. In an industry that shapes consumer perception and behavior, promoting D&I is not only ethical, but also strategic. The current state of D&I in the marketing sector These statistics highlight the challenges and […]
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the hospitality sector is gaining importance as a key component of business and operational strategy. The industry, which is on the front lines of contact with a diverse clientele from around the world, faces the challenge of creating an environment that is not only welcoming and open, but also fully […]
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the financial sector is gaining importance as awareness grows of the benefits of diverse perspectives and more inclusive work environments. In an industry that has traditionally been viewed as conservative and homogeneous, D&I initiatives are designed to not only promote equality and fairness, but also to contribute to innovation, improve […]
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in Human Resources (HR) is the cornerstone of modern people management strategies and organizational culture. HR plays a leading role in shaping policies, practices and cultures that support diversity at all levels of the organization. From recruitment and selection, to development and training, to performance appraisal and people retention strategies, D&I […]
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the construction sector are topics that are increasingly being raised in industry discussions, despite the fact that the sector has traditionally been considered male-dominated with little diversity. In the context of global challenges such as the need for sustainability, innovation and inclusion, the construction industry faces the task of remodeling […]
Today, diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the healthcare sector is taking on special importance, reflecting the growing public awareness of equality, equity and access to healthcare for all. The healthcare sector, which is on the front lines of caring for the well-being of communities, faces the challenge of creating an environment that is not only […]
The nonprofit sector faces unique diversity and inclusion (D&I) challenges and opportunities that are central to their social missions and goals. These organizations operate in an environment where community engagement, equality and equity are often at the center of their activities. In this context, D&I is not just a matter of internal personnel policy, but […]
In the energy sector, as in many other industries, issues of diversity and inclusion (D&I) are gaining importance, shaping the future of this strategically important field. In the face of global challenges such as climate change, the need for energy security, and the transformation toward sustainability, the energy sector faces the need to innovate and […]
Today’s manufacturing sector faces challenges of sustainability, innovation and competitiveness in the global marketplace. In this dynamic context, diversity and inclusion (D&I) takes on particular importance, offering not only a response to rising societal expectations, but also becoming a key factor for business success. D&I initiatives in the manufacturing sector can contribute to more creative […]
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The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it