
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



People with a precise communication style can be recognized by the fact that their statements are structured and the threads are clearly related to each other. Such people try to think about what they will say, are reluctant to speak out on trivial matters, and strive to be concise. In short, their statements carry weight […]
Cultural differences are differences in the way of looking at and interpreting the same things, situations, symbols, relationships, messages, etc. In business practice, it comes down to the fact that we interpret the employee-employer relationship differently, we consider different things to be acceptable or unacceptable, we judge people differently and what we expect from a […]
There is no better way to achieve success than to include diversity What is neurodiversity?   Neurodiversity is the concept stating that there is no universal pattern of correct behavior, thinking, feeling, and learning. People are naturally different in how they experience the world and how they interact with it. These differences are not equated […]
Among those who did not experience empathetic behavior at work – from their colleagues or a leader – only 32% declared commitment. In any situation, we are first and foremost human beings. Of course, we can perfect our talents such as reliability and conscientiousness, and then, even in an environment that is not friendly to […]
It only takes a week for us to forget 90% of what we just learned   What is memorization? Continuously improving the professional competence of the workforce is a prerequisite for maintaining the company’s competitive edge. It makes it easier for employees to adapt to market changes and helps to achieve high financial results.   […]
Nearly 92% of success in communication is emotions. If we exclude body language from this, then the intonation of the voice and words remain – as during a telephone or online voice conversation. If we subtract the intonation, words and emoticons remain – just as they do during chat conversations. The band in which we […]
Microaggressions are not only about biting comments and obscene jokes. They are also improperly constructed compliments that can cost your company a lot. What is a microaggression? Verbal messages can affect employees in two ways: motivate them to develop or lower their self-esteem. Undermining the competence and value of an employee can happen when inappropriate […]
This calculation is one of many that show how communication affects finances. They all agree that misunderstandings and tensions cause losses. Projects carried out without conviction, where the goal is unclear, there is a lack of commitment, and even the desire is absent – all this has an impact on the effectiveness of work, its […]
Personalizing education is both necessary and virtually impossible to implement in the current educational system. However, this impossibility of implementation is just due to a lack of tools? If so, this is a problem that can be solved. What are learning styles? We all have our preferred learning styles. According to one of the typologies […]
Good communication is not only the precise transmission of facts and data. It is also, and basically above all, conveying the right emotions or at least not triggering the bad ones. We are social and emotional beings, so what we feel determines how we behave and what decisions we make. The manner of delivery is […]
“What was he trying to tell me by sending this email?” “I feel like they don’t want to hear what I have to say.” “They are undermining my authority.” “These people are completely passive and do not want to participate in the conversation.” “This boss does not inspire my confidence, he asks us everything.” “This […]
“In fact, no one can overcome their temperament. It will always determine their conduct.” Alfred Kubin Who is a choleric? The theory of temperaments by Hippocrates and Galen assumes that there are four juices flowing through the human body. On the basis of whichever juice there is the most of, the corresponding type of human […]
Trust and commitment have a significant impact on the quality of the tasks performed. Engagement doesn’t come out of nowhere. This is the result of good communication between people in the team and between teams. Vertical communication, i.e. management board <–> management <–> ​​employee, is also very important. Any course of action that permanently leads […]
Communication is of great importance. It’s influenced, for example, by an unclear subject, the lack of a clear purpose, the lack of indication of action, incomplete information or excess information, violation of privacy rules, errors and inaccuracies, and also by use of an inappropriate tone. At the same time, we know from Albert Mehrabian’s research […]
Reliability determines whether a given test is valuable. This is what distinguishes a diagnostic test from a horoscope. Unfortunately, it is reliability that is often lacking, even in professional solutions based on scientific tests. What does it mean that a test is reliable? The reliability of a test tells us about the repeatability and accuracy […]
It’s fun to work with people you get along with. It’s easier to feel part of the shared goals and responsibility for delivering results. Work is no longer just about the company you work for – which is often a large international organization – but about the people you work with. Your work may not […]
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The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it