
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



It is not without reason that they say that people with few problems sleep well. The quality of our sleep is a good diagnosis of our emotional state, this includes the situation at work. The short-term consequences of sleep disruption include increased stress responses, somatic problems, reduced quality of life, mood disorders, and other mental […]
Growing up is hard enough without communication difficulties. Meanwhile, we leave our children without any practical knowledge of how people differ from one another and how to talk to someone different from yourself. Good communication will not solve all students’ problems, but it will certainly make their lives easier. Especially since these days the average […]
Professional cross-cultural training for teams and entire companies is a time-consuming and cost-intensive operation. Even after a perfect training, the effects are not immediate, and knowledge retention leaves much to be desired. It would be good to conduct training sessions systematically and include everyone, but it’s impossible. Meanwhile, the problems continue to grow, giving rise […]
We are all social beings, but in an individualistic culture the consequences of this fact are not clear enough. Well, as individuals, we have a rather fixed amount of energy to use and we use it according to priorities. Relationships are very important for humans (because they determine our ability to survive), so they take […]
Company parties, training sessions in interpersonal communication, cultural differences – and what are the effects? It’s better, but the atmosphere in the team is still tense? It’s quite natural. It’s one thing to receive knowledge, another to assimilate it, and yet another thing to put it into practice and then do it so often that […]
Our own culture is like air to us – it’s natural and imperceptible. That is until we come into contact with another culture. Then everything gets complicated. “Yes” doesn’t mean “yes”, “no” doesn’t mean “no”, “good” is “bad”, and “bad” is “quite good”. To make it even harder, our place of birth doesn’t necessarily determine […]
Focusing on the effect and forgetting about people and their needs does not end well for businesses. Of course, people can be programmed to be insensitive to these disadvantages. Indeed, one can internalize and glorify such a phenomena. Then, you can hear a statement from employees expressed directly or between the lines that this is […]
Are sparks flying? Gelling can be a difficult process. The abrasions that occur during this process sometimes take a long time to heal. This is not good for the overall effectiveness of the team, nor for the well-being of its members. People suffer, the project suffers, the business loses. I can only sympathize with the […]
Diversity without including minority groups in a company’s activities is not only wasted potential, but it also lowers the chance of market success. What is Diversity & Inclusion? The basic assumption of the D&I philosophy is to acknowledge the diverse characteristics of employees and to incorporate them into all of a company’s activities in the […]
How much easier it would be if we could see thought bubbles above everyone’s head with a suggestion as to how to communicate. How many intercultural mishaps, misunderstandings and unnecessary tensions between people could be avoided! That’s why we created an online solution that does exactly that. It gives short pieces of advice about how […]
It’s obvious that we’re all different. It’s much more difficult to define exactly what makes us different. It’s even harder to find the key to communicating with a specific person. Developed empathy is a rare quality. Meanwhile, from the point of view of a team and the employees themselves, the team should communicate fluently and […]
Do you ever feel like you’re surrounded by idiots? It happens. We’re all different from each other both personally and culturally. Most people find it difficult to name and comprehend these differences, let alone put this knowledge into practice. That is why we decided to create a tool that will enable better communication even in […]
The art of communication is called an art form for a reason. It is the ability to read the preferences of another person, understand the differences between yourself and to whom you are addressing and then create a message that will be well understood and accepted. Chapeau bas for those who can pull this off […]
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© 2023 - Empatyzer
The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it