
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Have you ever received emails with so much detail that you bounced off the wall of text with a bang, only to immediately hit the pile of attachments painfully? Or maybe, on the contrary, your blood pressure was raised by an e-mail with only half a sentence? Different people have different needs. Want to piss […]
From an organizational point of view, any such meeting is a waste of time and evidence of poor organization. However, whether a meeting is relevant for a particular person or not largely depends on that person’s perception. Some people take too narrow a view and only look at the details, and if those details don’t […]
Small talk either drives people crazy or, on the contrary, makes them happy. Some people have a need to build relationships and create a good atmosphere, while others want dry facts to be used for cold analysis. Or they like relationships, but they need time to build them, and such shortcuts only stress them out. […]
The art of feedback and communicating difficult decisions will never be easy. Some people will better accept information given directly, without beating around the bush and without explanation, and others will expect you to get involved, calm them down and soften their reaction. This is due to different levels of sensitivity to stimuli, as well […]
You just have a different communication protocol than the person you don’t understand. It’s like the “http” you see at the beginning of website addresses. It’s also a protocol. Without it, you couldn’t open any page. Fortunately, this protocol is known by the browser you are using. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the content […]
In large organizations, decisions are often detached from people, and people detached from decisions. Managers should be the carrier of decisions at the next levels of the organization. However, there is a gap between a decision and its implementation that needs to be bridged with a sense of meaning, because it generates willingness. Without buy […]
Reading between the lines is hard, right? Especially when you don’t know what kind of communication style a person has. Do you think it’s especially hard for a manager? Then imagine the opposite situation: it’s just an avalanche of threats. If we could at least first know how a person usually communicates then it would […]
Professional cross-cultural training for teams and entire companies is a time-consuming and cost-intensive operation. Even after a perfect training, the effects are not immediate, and knowledge retention leaves much to be desired. It would be good to conduct training sessions systematically and include everyone, but it’s impossible. Meanwhile, the problems continue to grow, giving rise […]
Our own culture is like air to us – it’s natural and imperceptible. That is until we come into contact with another culture. Then everything gets complicated. “Yes” doesn’t mean “yes”, “no” doesn’t mean “no”, “good” is “bad”, and “bad” is “quite good”. To make it even harder, our place of birth doesn’t necessarily determine […]
How much easier it would be if we could see thought bubbles above everyone’s head with a suggestion as to how to communicate. How many intercultural mishaps, misunderstandings and unnecessary tensions between people could be avoided! That’s why we created an online solution that does exactly that. It gives short pieces of advice about how […]
Do you ever feel like you’re surrounded by idiots? It happens. We’re all different from each other both personally and culturally. Most people find it difficult to name and comprehend these differences, let alone put this knowledge into practice. That is why we decided to create a tool that will enable better communication even in […]
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© 2023 - Empatyzer
The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it