
Communicate on the Same Wavelength



Eye contact, although seemingly a simple element of non-verbal communication, is in fact a complex phenomenon that can differ significantly between cultures. In today’s globalized world, understanding these differences becomes crucial both in business and everyday life. Let’s take a closer look at how different cultures perceive and use eye contact. Eye Contact in Western […]
Organizational culture is the foundation of every enterprise’s operation, influencing how employees perceive time, perform tasks, and build relationships. One of the key aspects of organizational culture is the approach to time, which anthropologist Edward T. Hall divided into two main types: monochronic and polychronic cultures. Understanding these concepts is essential for effective management in […]
In today’s globalized business world, understanding cultural differences is a key element of effective international communication. One of the most influential theoretical models in this area is the concept of high-context and low-context cultures, developed by American anthropologist Edward T. Hall in the 1970s. This model offers a valuable tool for analyzing and interpreting communication […]
Long-term vs. short-term orientation, one of the six cultural dimensions defined by Geert Hofstede, has a significant impact on organizational behavior, business strategies, and social development. This fascinating cultural aspect reflects how different societies perceive time and plan for the future, with deep implications for international business and cross-cultural management. Introduction The concept of long-term […]
The uncertainty avoidance culture (UA) is one of the key concepts in Geert Hofstede’s cultural model, playing a significant role in analyzing cultural differences. This article provides an in-depth discussion of this concept, based on scientific research and practical examples illustrating the impact of uncertainty avoidance on social, organizational, and business behaviors. What is Uncertainty […]
The masculinity-femininity dimension, one of the six cultural dimensions defined by Geert Hofstede, has a significant impact on organizational culture and workplace behavior. Although this concept is controversial, it provides valuable insights into the values and goals dominant in various cultures and organizations. Introduction to Hofstede’s Masculinity-Femininity Dimension Geert Hofstede, a Dutch sociologist, defined the […]



There is a two to three hour time difference between Mexico and Germany. Of course, we’re not referring to the geographical time difference, but about punctuality. In a culture where time is linear, time is money and you need to make the most of it. Where time is flexible, it is a tool. You use […]
Individualistic cultures breed lonely heroes. The ideal employee is like a rockstar – visible, loud, effective. Such a person, wanting to make a good impression, will talk about what they’ve done in the past. What successes they’ve had, what they’ve learned from their failures and what plans they have in the future. It makes a […]
For one, knowledge, experience, reliability and delivered results should be a sufficient reason to trust someone. They do not need to know whether you have a dog, a wife, what religion you are, whether your children (if any) like to swim or ride horses. In fact, in many cases, the other person doesn’t care at […]



Procrastination and personality
It turns out that according to research [1], low levels of conscientiousness in the OCEAN model are associated with procrastination, among other things. [1] Higgins, D.M.; Peterson, J.B.; Lee, A.; Pihl, R.O. (2007). Prefrontal cognitive ability, intelligence, Big Five personality and the prediction of advanced academic and workplace performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Personality differences and intercultural differences
It turns out that there is a correlation of cultural factors indicated by Geert Hofstede, namely individualism, distance to power, masculinity and avoidance of uncertainty, with the average results of the big five (McCrae, Terracciano, 2005). For example, individualism correlates with extraversion, and conscientiousness correlates with high hierarchy.
Do dolphins have 5 personality traits?
A 2021 study (Bottlenose Dolphin Personality Structure; Morton, Robinson, Brando, Weiss) shows that dolphins share similar personality traits to humans despite having evolved separately over millions of years.


Newly minted managers become confident in their actions because of Em.
Newly minted managers, leaders who have just left the professional environment where they felt at home, can gain more confidence on new ground, using the support of Em. Empatyzer will not only allow them to get to know and understand the various needs of their team, but every user will also be able to follow […]
Schoolchildren can use Empatyzer as entertainment.
Online entertainment, including games, is for young people what the backyard was for older generations. If we want to educate young people in the art of communication, we should go where they are. Empatyzer is an online service, so it is a great opportunity to build awareness of differences and the ability to cope with […]
Principals can use Empatyzer in schools free of charge so that young people can benefit from Em’s advice.
School principals can implement Empatyzer free of charge in their schools. Not only large schools in urban centers will benefit from this, but above all small schools in towns where differences in a homogeneous environment tend to be so small that they are ignored. Meanwhile, learning about differences in a low pressure environment will allow […]
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The first professional system to teach good communication in teams and entire organizations when and where they need it