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Narcissism and Visionary Leadership: Between Genius and Destruction

In today’s dynamic business world, we seek leaders who can guide organizations toward the future – visionaries who can see what others do not. At the same time, there is growing interest in the topic of narcissism in the context of leadership. Does narcissism help or hinder being an effective visionary leader? This question becomes increasingly important as we observe the successes and failures of charismatic leaders in tech, finance, and industrial companies. This article analyzes the complex relationship between narcissism and visionary leadership, presenting both the opportunities and risks of narcissistic tendencies in leaders.

Theoretical Foundations: What is Narcissism in the Context of Leadership?

Narcissism as a personality trait is characterized by an inflated sense of self-worth, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. Narcissists often display grandiosity, constantly seek attention, and believe in their superiority over others. In the context of leadership, narcissism may manifest through dominance in discussions, reluctance to accept criticism, and a tendency to prioritize their own needs over the organization’s and team’s well-being.

As Kets De Vries and Miller point out, narcissism and leadership are intertwined. In their foundational work, they highlight that a narcissistic person often seeks power and prestige, naturally leading them to leadership positions. Michael Maccoby, an anthropologist and psychoanalyst, defines “productive narcissists” as individuals with extraordinary courage to carry out mass transformations that society periodically needs. These are people capable of taking risks while simultaneously winning over masses with their rhetoric.

What Characterizes Visionary Leadership?

Visionary leadership is characterized by the leader’s ability to create a clear and inspiring vision of the future and their ability to motivate and inspire others to achieve it. Visionary leaders possess a set of traits that distinguish them from others:

  • They create a clear and compelling vision
  • They motivate and inspire others to work towards shared goals
  • They have charisma that attracts people
  • They demonstrate open-mindedness and creativity
  • They exhibit strong self-confidence
  • They effectively communicate their ideas
  • They are willing to take risks
  • They can inspire change

Visionary leadership is especially valued during periods of transformation when organizations need bold steps in an unknown direction.

Where Narcissism Meets Visionary Leadership – A Two-Way Relationship

Research indicates a complex relationship between narcissism and visionary abilities. According to the latest studies published in 2024 by the University of Potsdam, narcissism alone does not make someone a visionary leader. An additional trait is needed: romanticism. The authors argue that it is the combination of the narcissist’s extreme desire to feel exceptional and the romantic tendency to search for and passionately work towards a more abstract ideal that fosters visionary leadership.

Narcissistic leaders often display a strong ability to “see the big picture,” not as analysts who break complex problems into smaller parts – they try to create the future, not just predict it. This ability to create and communicate a vision, combined with a certain type of charisma, makes narcissists often gain followers, especially in times of uncertainty and change.

The Advantages of Narcissistic Visionary Leadership

Research highlights several positive aspects of narcissistic visionary leadership:

  1. Courage and innovation – Narcissistic leaders often have the courage to take risks and implement radical changes. Michael Maccoby cites the example of Robert B. Shapiro, CEO of Monsanto, who described his vision for genetically modified crops as “the most successful technology introduction in the history of agriculture.”
  2. Charisma and persuasive ability – Narcissistic leaders can persuade others to follow their vision through innate charm and self-confidence. Their ability to win over supporters can be invaluable in moments requiring a change of direction for the organization.
  3. Ability to drive transformations – In times of rapid organizational change, narcissistic leaders may demonstrate exceptional determination and the ability to implement deep transformations. As Maccoby notes, referencing Napoleon: “Revolutions are ideal times for soldiers with great intelligence – and the courage to act.”
  4. Creating clear visions – Studies suggest that narcissistic leaders often create ambitious, far-reaching visions that can inspire and unite organizations around a common goal.

The Dark Side of Narcissistic Leadership

Despite the potential benefits, narcissistic leadership comes with serious risks:

  1. Problems with receiving feedback – Narcissistic leaders are highly sensitive to criticism. As Maccoby emphasizes, “Perhaps one of the greatest paradoxes in this age of teamwork and partnership is that the best corporate leader in the modern world is emotionally isolated.”
  2. Difficulty listening – Believing in their own infallibility, narcissistic leaders often do not listen when they feel threatened or attacked. This leads them to surround themselves with “yes-men” rather than building true teams.
  3. Toxic influence on organizational culture – Research by O’Reilly and Chatman showed that narcissistic leaders create organizational cultures characterized by less cooperation and a smaller emphasis on honesty. Their tendency to dominate can lead to a climate of fear and submission.
  4. Narcissistic susceptibility to failure – Over time, narcissism can transform into unproductive daydreaming. Narcissistic leaders may harbor illusions that only circumstances or enemies block their success, leading to grandiosity and mistrust.
  5. Increasing flaws with success – Paradoxically, one of the biggest problems with narcissistic leaders is that their flaws become even more apparent as they achieve success.

Impact on the Team and Organizational Dynamics

The impact of narcissistic visionary leaders on the team and the organization is multidimensional. Research published in 2024 in the journal Human Relations points to an interesting correlation: when leaders and their subordinates have similar levels of narcissism (whether both are high or low), employees show greater identification with the leader, leading to higher creative performance.

However, when the leader’s narcissism exceeds that of the subordinates, this identification weakens, resulting in decreased creativity. Subordinates with lower levels of narcissism, who value empathy and close relationships, may have more difficulty connecting with highly narcissistic leaders, which can reduce their creative contributions.

Additionally, studies conducted by the University of Berkeley showed that narcissistic leaders create organizational cultures that are less focused on collaboration and place less emphasis on honesty. These cultural traits may then influence employee behavior, potentially reinforcing the negative aspects of narcissistic leadership.

Examples from Business Practice

The business world provides numerous examples of narcissistic visionary leaders who have experienced both spectacular successes and failures.

Steve Jobs – Often cited as a classic example of a narcissistic visionary leader. His unyielding belief in his vision and perfectionism helped transform Apple into one of the most valuable companies in the world. At the same time, he was known for publicly humiliating subordinates and dismissing ideas that did not align with his vision. Despite these flaws, his ability to create groundbreaking products and transform entire industries is undeniable.

Elon Musk – As the founder of SpaceX, Tesla, and other innovative ventures, Musk exhibits many traits of a narcissistic visionary leader. His extremely ambitious visions (colonizing Mars, transforming transportation to electric) attract supporters and investors. At the same time, his controversial decisions and statements on social media illustrate the potential pitfalls of a narcissistic leadership style.

Jack Welch – Former CEO of General Electric, cited by Maccoby as an example of a productive narcissist. Under his leadership, GE achieved enormous success, but his uncompromising management approach, including the famous policy of firing the bottom 10% of employees each year, shows how narcissistic tendencies can lead to controversial management practices.

Pehr Gyllenhammar – Former CEO of Volvo, whose vision of modern car factories ultimately failed, is an example of how narcissistic beliefs in one’s infallibility can lead to failure. His case shows that narcissistic leadership does not always equate to effective leadership.

Practical Implications for Organizations

Understanding the complex nature of narcissistic visionary leadership has significant practical implications:

  1. Balanced leadership teams – Organizations may consider creating leadership teams where the visionary abilities of narcissistic leaders are balanced by more empathetic and collaborative team members.
  2. Feedback systems – Implementing effective feedback systems that help narcissistic leaders receive constructive criticism in a way that does not trigger defensive reactions.
  3. Coaching and mentoring – Offering coaching to narcissistic leaders to help them develop greater self-awareness and empathy while leveraging their visionary abilities.
  4. Proper alignment of leaders with organizational context – Research suggests that a moderate level of narcissism in a leader is associated with the best team performance. Organizations should consider matching the level of narcissism in a leader to the specific situation and team needs.
  5. Organizational culture as a counterbalance – Building a strong organizational culture that promotes collaboration and honesty can serve as a counterbalance to the potentially destructive aspects of narcissistic leadership.

Romanticism as a Key Success Factor

Recent research from the University of Potsdam introduces a fascinating perspective: narcissism alone does not make a visionary leader. The key factor is romanticism – a tendency to search for and passionately work towards an abstract ideal. It is this combination of a narcissistic desire for exceptionalism with a romantic inclination to strive for ideals that creates effective visionary leaders.

Researchers conducted a three-wave field study involving 310 leader-subordinate dyads, which confirmed that the effects of a leader’s narcissism on visionary leadership and subordinate identification with the leader are stronger and more positive in leaders with a high level of romanticism. This discovery suggests a new approach to leader development – rather than demonizing narcissism, organizations can focus on developing romantic tendencies in narcissistic leaders.


The relationship between narcissism and visionary leadership is complex and ambiguous. On one hand, narcissistic leaders can possess exceptional abilities to create and communicate inspiring visions, take risks, and drive transformative changes. On the other hand, their tendency to ignore others’ opinions, difficulties in accepting criticism, and potentially toxic impact on organizational culture pose serious risks.

New research suggests that the key to effectively utilizing narcissistic tendencies in leadership may lie in balancing them with other traits, such as romanticism, or creating appropriate organizational structures that mitigate the negative aspects of narcissism while harnessing its visionary potential.

Organizations facing transformational challenges can benefit from the visionary abilities of narcissistic leaders if they simultaneously implement mechanisms to minimize potential harm. Awareness of both the advantages and disadvantages of narcissistic visionary leadership is the first step toward effectively utilizing it to achieve organizational success.

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