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How to Diagnose a Narcissist in Your Team?

Narcissistic behavior in a team can significantly affect group dynamics, work efficiency, and the overall atmosphere. Identifying and properly managing narcissistic individuals presents a challenge for managers and team leaders. This article, based on international scientific research, provides a comprehensive approach to recognizing narcissism in the workplace and offers practical tips on managing such situations.

Narcissism in the Organizational Context – Theoretical Foundations

Narcissism in organizational psychology is defined as a personality trait characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-worth, a need for admiration, and limited empathy for others. Contemporary studies distinguish two key dimensions of narcissism: admiration-based narcissism and rivalry-based narcissism.

The first dimension is related to the pursuit of confirming one’s exceptionalism and grandeur by eliciting admiration, while the second focuses on degrading others to confirm one’s superiority. This distinction is important because both dimensions can differently impact team functioning.

Studies show that narcissism is not a one-dimensional phenomenon, but rather a multi-faceted construct that can manifest in various ways in the professional environment. Pathological narcissism, analyzed in the context of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, includes dysfunctions in social and interpersonal relationships and is characterized by a specific profile of personality traits, such as seeking attention and grandiosity.

How to Recognize a Narcissist in Your Team – Symptoms and Characteristic Behaviors

Research in organizational psychology provides several indicators to help identify narcissistic tendencies in team members:

Dominant Communication Behaviors

Narcissistic individuals show a limited tendency to genuinely listen to others. Studies show that narcissistic leaders are significantly less likely to actively encourage team members to express their opinions and share ideas. As shown in a 2021 study, narcissistic leaders engage less in voice solicitation, which negatively impacts the communication climate of the entire team.

Reactions to Criticism and Failures

Narcissists in a team show characteristic hypersensitivity to criticism and difficulty in accepting feedback that does not reinforce their positive self-image. In situations of failure, they often shift the responsibility onto other team members or external factors.

Attitude Towards Team Goals

Studies conducted among team sports athletes show that the level of narcissism significantly affects engagement in group goals. An interesting effect is the interaction between the narcissism of the leader (team captain) and the narcissism of the other members. Engagement in achieving group goals was highest when both the leader and team members exhibited moderate levels of narcissism.

Behavior in Conflict Situations

Narcissism, especially in its rivalry dimension, contributes to more competitive and less cooperative conflict resolution processes in a team. Longitudinal studies conducted on over 100 project teams showed that the average level of rivalry-based narcissism in a team correlated with less cooperative and more competitive conflict processes, particularly during periods close to important project deadlines.

Diagnostic Tools

In scientific research, standardized tools are most often used to measure narcissism, such as:

  • Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-16) – a shortened, 16-item version of the questionnaire
  • The Narcissistic Dimension of the Dark Triad Personality
  • Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI)

Although these tools are primarily designed for research purposes, understanding the dimensions they measure can help managers identify narcissistic behaviors.

Impact of Narcissism on Team Functioning

Team Cohesion and Group Dynamics

Studies indicate the complex impact of narcissism on team cohesion. On the one hand, narcissistic leaders can inspire and mobilize the team with their vision and confidence. On the other hand, narcissism, especially in its rivalry form, can negatively affect team cohesion. As a study published in 2024 showed, transformational leadership positively influences team cohesion, but this effect is moderated by the leader’s level of narcissism.

Communication Processes and Team Climate

Studies show that narcissism in leaders negatively affects the communication climate in the team. Leaders with high levels of narcissism are less likely to encourage team members to express their opinions and share ideas, leading to a weakened voice climate in the team, which ultimately reduces voice behavior across the team.

Team Performance and Efficiency

The impact of narcissism on team performance is ambiguous and depends on several factors, including the type of sport or business activity. In individual sports, narcissism can contribute to better outcomes because it creates greater opportunities for self-promotion. However, in team sports or business teams, narcissistic players/employees can create problems for the group.

Interesting studies on NBA teams showed that the composition of narcissism in a team has a significant impact on the team’s long-term performance. Similarly, studies in the business context suggest that narcissistic leaders may influence a company’s relative results.

Practical Strategies for Managing a Narcissist in the Team

For Leaders and Managers

  • Structure Team Communication – Implement processes that ensure all team members have the opportunity to express their opinions and be heard. This may include rotating leadership in meetings, anonymous feedback channels, or meeting facilitation techniques.
  • Precisely Define Roles and Responsibilities – Clearly defining the scope of responsibility for each team member helps minimize conflicts and reduce space for self-promotion at others’ expense.
  • Balance Team Composition – Form teams consciously considering personality traits. Research suggests that both high and low levels of narcissism in the team can be problematic.
  • Create a Culture of Constructive Feedback – Develop skills in providing and receiving feedback in a non-judgmental way, based on specific behaviors rather than personality traits.

For Team Members

  • Develop Assertive Communication Skills – Learn to express your needs, opinions, and boundaries in a firm but non-aggressive manner.
  • Document Your Work and Contributions – Regularly keep records of your contributions to projects and team initiatives.
  • Build a Support Network – Create relationships with other team members and stakeholders who can provide support and alternative perspectives.

Practical Examples of Narcissistic Behavior in the Team

Example 1: Appropriating Team Successes

Marek, a member of the marketing team in an international corporation, consistently takes credit for the successes of team projects. During presentations to management, he uses phrases like “my project,” “my strategy,” minimizing the contributions of his colleagues. In the case of failures, he quickly blames others or external circumstances. In private conversations with supervisors, he suggests that he is the driving force behind the team and that without his contribution, the projects would not have succeeded.

Management Strategy: The manager introduced a transparent system for documenting each team member’s contribution to every project. Presentations to management are prepared collectively, and team representatives take turns presenting them, ensuring a more balanced representation of teamwork.

Example 2: Manipulation and Devaluation of Colleagues

Anna, the leader of the development team, consistently devalues her colleagues’ skills in conversations with senior management. She maintains strict control over all aspects of the team’s work and rarely delegates significant tasks. During team meetings, she often interrupts others, dismisses ideas that do not align with her vision, and reacts defensively to suggestions for improvements. At the same time, she presents herself to clients and management as a visionary leader open to innovation and collaboration.

Management Strategy: The IT Director held a series of individual conversations with team members, followed by a workshop on effective communication and teamwork with an external facilitator. He also implemented regular anonymous team satisfaction surveys and structured decision-making processes that require the active participation and agreement of the entire team for key project decisions.

Example 3: Narcissistic Rivalry Between Leaders

In a consulting firm, two senior managers, Filip and Tomasz, regularly engage in narcissistic rivalry. Both try to take control of prestigious projects, pulling employees into their teams and publicly criticizing each other’s strategies. This dynamic causes divisions within the organization, with employees feeling pressured to pick a side, leading to duplicated efforts and inconsistent messages to clients.

Management Strategy: The Managing Director reorganized the company structure, assigning Filip and Tomasz responsibility for different market segments with clear, non-overlapping duties. He also introduced a bonus system that significantly links compensation to the overall company’s performance rather than just individual departments, creating incentives for collaboration rather than competition.


Narcissism in a team poses a complex challenge for organizations. Scientific research provides a more detailed understanding of this phenomenon, distinguishing between different dimensions of narcissism and analyzing their impact on team dynamics, communication processes, and effectiveness.

The key to effectively managing narcissism in a team is early identification of problematic behaviors, understanding their causes, and implementing appropriate structural and process interventions. It is also worth remembering that a moderate level of narcissism, particularly in its admiration dimension, can bring benefits to the team and organization in certain contexts, especially in situations requiring bold decisions and self-confidence.

Managing narcissism in a team is not about eliminating people with such traits but rather about creating structures and processes that channel their energy in a productive direction, while minimizing potential negative impacts on coworkers and organizational culture.


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